How Far Is Too Far?| Conform or Confront

How Far Is Too Far? One morning I  turned to a news channel and was more than taken aback by the spectacle on display. Being interviewed was a supposed popular Christian singer who is also a man dressed as a woman, or as they call themselves: a drag queen. How far is too far when […]

Can Bad Luck Be A Blessing In Disguise?

Can Bad Luck Be A Good Thing? When can bad luck be a blessing in disguise? Have you ever discovered that being a few minutes late for an appointment actually saved your life because had you been in a certain spot at a precise moment you would have been involved in that 3 car accident […]

A Slave To Sin or A Servant To God? It’s Your Choice

A Slave To Sin or A Servant To God? It’s your choice, but do you really understand what these choices mean? To know God is to know love because God is love. Knowing this, can we really truly be slaves to God? This is a good question, and one to be explored. A Slave To […]

Why Be A Christian? What Are The Benefits: Here are the top 5

Why Be A Christian? What Are The Benefits? What are the benefits of being a Christian? Aren’t Christians Just a group of bible-thumping hypocrites who condemn others and pretend to be perfect? Why are they so happy most of the time?  Let’s Get Real! What makes people ask why be a Christian? The media portrays […]

Are We Christians Or Hypocrites?

Christians Or Hypocrites? Are you ready to explore this topic? Am I ready to write about this topic of being Christians or hypocrites? I believe I am. Before we go any further, I think you should read my personal testimony HERE. Baby Christian We are all considered to be baby Christians at the beginning of […]

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