Why Be A Christian? What Are The Benefits: Here are the top 5

Why Be A Christian? What Are The Benefits?

What are the benefits of being a Christian? Aren’t Christians Just a group of bible-thumping hypocrites who condemn others and pretend to be perfect? Why are they so happy most of the time?

through the Bible
Understanding The Bible

 Let’s Get Real!

What makes people ask why be a Christian?

  • The media portrays Christians negatively
  • Social media mocks Christian living
  • Peer pressure keeping you from salvation? It’s not cool to be a Christian?
  • Parents weren’t Christian?
  • Parents were rigid Christians

What Are Your Reasons?

Are you influenced by any of the above, or do you have another reason for rejecting God? Yes, if you reject Christianity you are also rejecting your creator. Here is some Bible truth for you: You cannot serve two masters, therefore, if you reject God then you are serving Lucifer (Satan).

No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. New King James Version “No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. (Luke 16:13)

 Why Be A Christian-What Are The Benefits?

  1. Freedom from addiction. From a young age, I was a slave to both alcohol and cigarettes until I surrendered my life to Jesus: How I finally quit smoking for good
  2. Freedom from other sins. Are you wondering what is sin?
  3. Freedom from guilt. Do you feel guilty about your past? Jesus will set you free!
  4. Christians are healthier on average. We follow the dietary rules that God laid out in the beginning.
  5. Christians have peace of mind knowing that life will go on when Jesus returns! Do you wonder what will happen when you die?

 Why Be A Christian? Isn’t Being A Christian Boring?

  •  Do you mean it is boring to wake up feeling great in the morning versus that nasty hangover from the night before?
  • How about that constant tickle in your throat and cough from smoking those cigarettes that when used as directed will KILL you?
  • Hooked on chew? Both cigarettes and chew will help you lose your teeth. (Vaping too)
  • Waiting until you are married before living with someone or having sex isn’t boring. In fact, you will know more about this person in the long run and that first night will be even more special.
  • That brings us to no teenaged pregnancies or STDs to worry about!
  • It is so boring not wasting money on all of that FUN, only to be blessed with better living!

Wow! being without all of this and more is SO boring, how could anybody stand to live without all of this FUN?

The Greatest Deception!

Who is the master and father of all lies? Lucifer. (Satan) It is this world that he rules, though God is the one who wins in the end. Satan walks about this fallen world seeking out who he can deceive and destroy:1 Peter 5:8: “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”

Satan knows that his time is short on this earth and has been hard at work deceiving the masses to lead them to destruction. He doesn’t want ANYONE to be saved when Jesus returns to claim His flock and make the earth new! Revelation 12:12Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.”

By studying God’s word, you will learn that Satan speaks and does the opposite of God in every way. Lucifer promotes blasphemy, sexual immorality, all sins of the flesh, eyes, and spirit! Notice how the world today not only condones homosexual acts and marriage it is even promoting it?

Yes, all of these things are an abomination in the eyes of the Lord, yet a lot of churches today prefer to sweeten things up by preaching what people want to hear: God loves everyone so it’s okay to be who you want to be, God DOES love everyone, yet that doesn’t mean these behaviors will go unpunished in the end. I’m sorry but it’s true.



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