The Power of a Lie

The Power of a Lie Have you ever told a lie? Of course, you have. Everyone has been untruthful at one point, and we learn this as children. A lie is the opposite of the truth. Even if there is some truth mixed into it, a lie is still a lie. The power of a […]

When does Being Different Matter?

When Does Being Different Matter? So when does being different matter? What is considered different in the time we now live in? Does it even matter anymore if you are being different than anyone else? This writer has been asking herself these questions and is also wondering if anyone else has pondered this issue. First off, […]

The Truth About Easter

The Truth About Easter *Note* This website features trusted affiliate links, and by clicking through these links to make a purchase this website will receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for you using these links to make your purchases. Since I have learned the truth about easter and its real […]

Warning! The Deadliest Pandemic Ever Is Here!

Warning! The Deadliest Pandemic Ever Is Here! The Deadliest Pandemic Ever Is Here! Have you not seen this headline in the news or in your morning paper? This is one that should be displayed every day in order to wake up the masses because the greatest pandemic has been here for quite some time and […]

Why Be A Christian? What Are The Benefits: Here are the top 5

Why Be A Christian? What Are The Benefits? What are the benefits of being a Christian? Aren’t Christians Just a group of bible-thumping hypocrites who condemn others and pretend to be perfect? Why are they so happy most of the time?  Let’s Get Real! What makes people ask why be a Christian? The media portrays […]

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