The Real Truth About Seafood: It Really Isn’t Food

The Real Truth About Seafood Seafood Really Isn’t Food Before anyone gets upset about this statement, let’s reason together, shall we? According to one source, mussels and clams are being used to clean polluted water in Mountain lake of San Francisco, California. Any bottom feeder is considered to be a filter for its surrounding area. […]

Beware Of Benzene: A serious health risk

Beware Of Benzene  Attention! The benzene health risk was recently brought to our attention. Referred to as an organic chemical compound, benzene has been showing up in a wide range of products that consumers use on a daily basis. What is The benzene Health Risk The American Cancer Society attributed benzene to blood cancer Leukemia […]

What Is A Plant Based Diet-You will love the benefits!

   What is a plant-based diet? You will love the benefits! If you aren’t eating a plant-based diet you should, because you will love the benefits! Are you aware that people who consume a plant-based diet on average weigh less, have fewer health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and are healthier in general […]

Vitamins And Supplements For A Healthier You-how to boost immune system

Vitamins And Supplements For A Healthier You Thanks for stopping by! A healthy immune system is vital these days. Learning how to boost the immune system is fairly easy and once you integrate essential vitamins and minerals into your daily routine it becomes second nature. Living in this current age of pestilence and disease, we […]

Are You Eating Healthy To Stay Healthy?

Healthy Eating Is Key To A Healthy Immune System Hi friends, So, how are we doing? It has been a couple of months now since all of these stay at home orders and many businesses remain closed or will cautiously re-open. Do you miss dining out or are you like me who never really ate […]

The Benefits Of Herbs And Spices

Why are herbs and spices important? Through my research, I have discovered there are benefits of herbs and spices that a lot of folks aren’t even aware of, and once you discover each of the benefits you will find yourself cooking with herbs and spices on a daily basis because they are wonderful for our […]

Electric Lunch Box Review

Electric Lunch Box Review Hi friends! Are you looking for a way to eat healthy on the go? Are you often rushed in the morning and find yourself at the fast-food drive-thru for lunch because you didn’t have the time to throw something together? I hear ya. Been there too often myself, and I finally […]

Balance Your Blood sugar and regain your life

Hi friends, How are you feeling today? I ask this because if your blood sugar is unbalanced you may feel Chronic fatigue Hungry Irritable Bloated Depressed Insomniac Frequent urination increased thirst Inability to concentrate Can’t lose weight Just to name a few symptoms. You see, blood sugar levels play an important role in our health, […]

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