CoronaVirus: Keep Healthy And Boost Your Immune System

Hello friends,

I’m sure each of you is well aware of what is going on in the world with this coronavirus looming over us. What personal measures are you taking to avoid becoming ill and/or passing it on to others? In a recent update on AFTV it seems as if we may be dealing with this for some time and this should not be taken lightly.

The coronavirus can be quite deadly to those with a challenged immune system, the elderly, those with diabetes and other health issues, so it is important to eat healthily, get enough rest, sunlight and proper hydration. Adding additional nutrients to your diet will aid in combating not only the coronavirus but flu and colds as well.

The one thing that concerns me is the fact that you may not have any symptoms at all and are able to spread the coronavirus to others. This is no doubt why it is being spread so rapidly. People have no symptoms and so they do not get tested, go about their daily activities and spread the love, so to speak.

I recently read an article which I found more than interesting on where the coronavirus was conceived as a bioweapon and subsequently “escaped a Biosafety Level 4 facility in Wuhan City. It’s the first BSL-4 facility in China, and was set up specifically to research coronavirus and SARS.’

It is a mixture or combination of SARS, an already weaponized coronavirus, influenza and HIV genetic material with properties that allow it to spread a greater distance than normal. Is this not then man-made? Why on earth would these types of viruses be conjured up if not for mass destruction? This world has indeed taken a turn for the worse.

I don’t want to panic anybody, yet I know this situation will grow worse before it hopefully dissipates. So, again I ask: What are you doing to not only protect yourself but others as well? Everyone feels like coughing now and then…are you covering that cough? If you have to cough, do so in your sleeve unless you plan to wash your hands immediately.

As the news reports come in, the numbers increase. If 70-80% of the population will come into contact with the coronavirus then we really need to be aware of how it is spread and take aggressive measures on a personal level as well as a national level.

Here is a list of recommended supplements to think about adding to your diet:

  • Vitamin C
  • NAC
  • Spirulina
  • Elderberry Extract
  • Garlic
  • Beta-Glucan
  • Selenium
  • Glucosamine
  • Zinc- it is deadly to this virus! Carry zinc lozenges and use if you think you have been exposed by a cough or are in a high-risk area.

Eating an orange a day will boost your vitamin C. Get some fresh air and sunlight. Drink more water. Exercise will boost your immune system. All of the above will boost your immune system and help protect you from the coronavirus. WASH YOUR HANDS regularly and especially after shopping or using door handles and handling cash.

Getting sunlight and fresh air daily are probably two of the most important ways to boost your immune system. Did you know the sun has a special way of boosting your immune system? It also supports healthy bones and eyesight too. Want to amp up your metabolism? Get some sun! spending time in full sun without sunscreen for at least 20 minutes per day is the secret.


I for one am not going to panic. It is what it is. By using common sense and practicing healthy eating habits along with good hygiene and exercise to boost my immune system, which are things I have already been doing, along with a strong faith in the Lord I feel safe and at ease.

My diet is paired with herbs and spices that are combined in a special way to promote optimal health and protect the body from the inside against air pollution and I feel it will aid in protecting us from this coronavirus as well. To learn more about this, email me: or simply subscribe to this blog and receive free ebooks, recipes, insight and so much more. My 53 years on this earth have shown me many things and I want to share it with you!

I have learned so much over the years, attending the school of hard knocks, working in the healthcare industry for 25 of these years taking care of other people and various pets as well. I research and then research some more until I am satisfied with my findings. I try things before I recommend them to family and friends. I am my own guinea pig in every sense of the word.

Those who know me personally know this and I hope to gain your trust as well. Join the ever-growing family and let’s see what tomorrow brings!

Until next time, make each and every day count for something!

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