Miracles Still Happen

Miracles Still Happen

Do miracles still happen today? I can assure anyone that yes they do! I have personally seen one miracle occur in my son’s life and praise God for His divine intervention.

A Near Tragic Accident

My son has always been rebellious and has even scoffed at the notion that God exists. What he did not know is how many people he has had praying for him to turn away from his current life and seek Jesus. It wasn’t until a recent near tragic accident did he stop to think the Lord is real.

He was traveling along an interstate highway doing 60 miles per hour with no helmet or protective gear. Foolish? Quite foolish, we often agree in hindsight. Not many actually have the opportunity to look back though, do they?

As he told me, there were cars all around him and a wall fast approaching. He let go of the bike and was immediately lifted up by (it felt) two people on either side. He rode the wall for some distance and the motorcycle never crashed but remained upright.

I ask again, do miracles still happen? If this wasn’t a miracle I don’t know what is. He survived this near tragic accident with a minor road rash on one arm and a very painful left foot that came close to amputation when infection set in. The tennis shoe he had on was torn to shreds.

Miracles still happen
This Is A Miracle

We All Have An Angel

Guardian Angels are real. We all have one. I personally have been spared several times by my own Angel yet I never thought about it except in hindsight and not until after I gave my life to Jesus. It was then that I really saw His works in my own life.

Not Just Good Luck

Divine intervention is often called good luck. This is how the adversary diminishes the power of God, seeking to remove Him completely from the minds of would-be believers. More information on Angels: The truth about Angels is the site to visit.

A Humble Appeal

Tomorrow is not promised to any one of us. I am asking anyone reading this today to PLEASE choose life by surrendering to Jesus. Grab onto His yoke and He will lead you to everlasting life upon His return. Pray for the victory over any sins in your life and He will give you that victory! Overcoming is what is promised when you give your life to Jesus. There are only two choices: Life or death. Live for Jesus now, being born twice only die once before His return.

Choose a life of sin, having been born only once and  you will die twice.

It Is Impossible To Out-Give God

Each and every day we are blessed in some way, yet fail to stop and acknowledge His power working in our own lives. Since I have given my life to Jesus it is now so easy to see how much He has always loved me, even when I was living in rebellion. He is patient and waited until the right time to grab my attention, just as He did with my son.

A Rebel With A New Cause

Since his eye-opening, my son has had a new direction in life. Sometimes it takes a near-fatal encounter for The Lord to get your attention and make His presence known. I continue to pray for him and my long list of others who I sincerely wish to see among the saved upon Jesus’ return.

Please join me in sharing the good news of the gospel and what God has done in your life. Take time each day to pray to our Father and have that personal walk with Him.

One thought on “Miracles Still Happen

  • Thank you. The Lord still hears and answers prayers. We just need to be close to Him. Our angels are forever watching over us. Stay blessed!

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