A Slave To Sin or A Servant To God? It’s Your Choice

A Slave To Sin or A Servant To God?

It’s your choice, but do you really understand what these choices mean? To know God is to know love because God is love. Knowing this, can we really truly be slaves to God? This is a good question, and one to be explored.

A Slave To Sin

Exactly what does being a slave to sin mean? First, we need to understand what sin is and how we can become slaves to it. One easy example is smoking, which is not good for your health yet some are seemingly powerless to quit this sinful habit and so have become slaves to it. Smoking rules them.

A smoker is chained to this habit and life revolves around it. One must ensure to have enough cancer sticks to last until the next day. They must keep themselves at a distance from a growing number of smoke-free businesses. Conclusion? Any addiction will snare you and keep you addicted until you break free.

As a former 39 yr pack or more each day smoker, I know firsthand what this addiction does to you physically and psychologically. I thank The Lord each day for setting me free from this disgusting habit.

Is smoking a sin?

According to what we learn from the Word, our bodies are to be presented as a living sacrifice. Therefore we are to have due diligence in how we care for ourselves. It is reasonable to believe that Jesus, being the sacrifice for the world would not pollute His body, and He is an example for everyone to follow.

Conclusion? If our Savior wouldn’t do something, it is safe to assume we shouldn’t either.  How to stop smoking for good.

A Slave or ServantTo God?

As Christians, are we slaves to God? Let me ask this, how can anyone be a slave to someone they love? When we love someone it is natural that we would want to please that person. Just as a child seeks the love and approval of a parent, we as children of God also seek to please Him who is our heavenly Father.

It is not an inconvenience to abstain from alcohol or any other substance that we know is harmful to our health because we know that our Father instructs us to avoid these things in order to keep us healthy. We were created with free will and always have the choice to either follow Christ or live as slaves to a life of sin.

Life Of Freedom

Following Jesus not only frees us from a life of sin but offers us a life of abundance in all areas. Once we accept Him into our lives a great weight begins to lift and a feeling of peace and comfort enters our life. What a relief to know that God has begun a good work within you and will never drop you to the wayside!

Each morning is an opportunity to grow closer to Him as we start the day reading His word and learning more about His plan of salvation. By picking up our cross daily and following Jesus we can be assured of being prepared for when He returns, which is soon!

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