The Best Baked Beans

Hello Friends!

Searching for the best-baked beans ever? You’ve come to the right place because today I am going to share a baked bean recipe my mom used to make. She has passed on but her baked beans will live forever.

Mom’s Baked Beans

Whenever a family event arose her baked beans were requested to attend as well, and there were many requests for her recipe, which she never divulged until a few years ago she finally relented and a couple of us were granted access to her” vault”. (mom always kept her recipes in her head and so precise measurements were never used.) Come to think of it, this is a trait that continues from my great-grandmother to me, and my son is a master chef who wings it in the kitchen as well.

I feel the best recipes are the easiest ones, and this baked bean recipe is very simple. I am sure there are plenty out there but I’ve never checked because, well, you know, family tradition!

I haven’t made beans in a while, but when I do I will be sure to add a photo of the finished product. 


Photo added. Also, I decided to try something new with this recipe and it turned out wonderful. I do not eat pork products and so I used turkey bacon. I also added smokehouse maple seasoning.

Bonnies Baked Beans

1 Lb. Navy pea beans

1/2 Lb Dark brown sugar

1 small onion, chopped

1/2 Lb Hickory smoked bacon, chopped into bite-size pieces

1 Clove crushed garlic

1/2 tsp salt

Step One

Rinse beans in a colander and pour into a dark roasting pan. Add water to fully immerse the beans. At this point, add all of the other ingredients and stir to combine. Cover and soak for at least 8 hours, checking periodically and adding water as needed to keep immersed.

Step Two

Heat oven to 250 degrees. If the beans need more water, add it now, making sure it just covers the beans. Give a finally gentle stir and cover, Say goodbye to the beans for at least 10 hours, because now you do not look at them, you do not open the oven and you do not stir them! Trust me. You forget about the beans for at least 10 hours. The aroma will permeate about the house, and then you may gingerly open the lid to see if they are dark enough to your liking. They may remain in the oven for up to 12 hours. The longer they cook the darker they will become. I advise no longer than 12 hours. Just remember, do not stir or they will turn to mush and only be useable in a burrito.

Enjoy! Subscribe to keep updated on more secret family recipes. Thanks for visiting, and until next time, make each and every day count for something!


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