Why Use Collagen Peptides-the benefits of collagen peptides


Why collagen peptides?

For the record, I have personally been using collagen peptides for over six months now and I cannot express enough the difference it has made in my skin, hair, and joints. I am serious when I say that I will never stop taking collagen peptides!

What are collagen peptides

Visit wikipedia for the full description. Collagen peptides are beneficial to the body in many ways. One is being the main component in connective tissue. As we age, tissue degenerates, skin loses its elasticity and bones become brittle.

Yikes! We don’t want to fall apart in our “golden years” do we? I know I don’t and when I began to feel the signs of arthritis, stiff joints, brittle nails, and lackluster hair I decided to do some research. That’s when I came across collagen peptides am glad I did. I promise you will too, because my friends, I do not recommend anything that has no benefit. I don’t like wasting money as many of you know!

You will notice your fingernails become pliable and strong, less hair breakage, and smoother skin when you look in the mirror. Wrinkles will soften as well. What a good way to turn back the clock. I will be 53 years young this year.

How To Use Collagen Peptides

I prefer powdered collagen peptides because it is the best way to receive all of its benefits. One scoop in my morning commuting mug and that’s it. The powder mixes easily in any warm beverage and adds a creamy taste and texture to coffee or tea. This is way better than any coffee creamer and from what I have read about coffee creamers…I will never use those again! But, if you would like to discover the nasty truth about coffee creamers, Here is just a tidbit of what I discovered:

Dipotassium Phosphate

This is a stabilizer that prevents coagulation. It has been known to cause pneumonia, nausea, vomiting, acute renal failure, diarrhea, decreased hemoglobin and asthenia (weakness)

Sodium Caseinate (a milk derivative)

Chemical name for a protein found in milk. Do you know where else this is used? In paints and plastics. It is used to whiten the “creamer”. It is known to cause autoimmune disorders, allergies, neurological disorders, juvenile-onset type 1 diabetes.

Sodium Aluminosilicate:

This is known to cause liver disease and renal failure. Need I describe more? Those are just a few of the nasty ingredients in coffee creamer. Never again will I touch it.

Once you begin using collagen peptides every day, I can guarantee that you will feel a difference in a few weeks. You will have stronger nails and hair. Your joints will begin to ache less and your skin will look and feel younger.

Get yours today and thank me later! The exact collagen peptides I use can be found below.

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Until next time, make each and every day count for something!

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