Non-Toxic Cleaner and lemon/lime juice secrets

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Good day friends!

It is a balmy -10 here in northern Minnesota on this 20th day of February 2020. It always amazes me to see that new number, considering I was born in 1967! Oh, has the world changed.

Even though the world is changing, I feel that the basics need not. And this brings me to natural cleaning solutions. There are so many different cleaning products out there and why? The great age of marketing of course!

The best safe cleaner is one with limited ingredients and non-toxic agents, don’t you agree? And to achieve this goal, make your own cleaning supplies!

I see organic cleaner everywhere. Do you plan to consume this? I find this amusing because at my age I know what target marketing is, and this is clearly it. Don’t get me wrong. I love my organic produce and foods and am willing to pay the extra on that. After all, eating healthy is important.

Natural cleaners are simple and I would not waste money on putting it into a cleaning solution unless you do it this way:

Natural Orange Cleaner

Very simple and effective cleaner. Eat your organic oranges, save the peels and drop them into a mason jar. Fill with ordinary white vinegar and a drop or two of dawn dish soap. Let steep for at least one week in a dark place, strain into a spray bottle and you have a powerful, natural (organic) cleaning spray!

You may use lemon peels, lime peels, you may mix them together. It is all citrus and they all are natural cleaners.

Got Lemons?

Lemon juice is not just for lemonade friends. How about a natural way to fight gum disease? Take a piece of lemon or lime peel and rub the inside of it over teeth and gums. This helps whiten teeth as well.

Take a half lemon and rub on heels and elbows. Grapefruit is wonderful for this too. The citric acid is what works to soften rough skin.

Furniture and Floors

Mix 1/4 C real lemon juice or fresh lemon juice with 1/2 C Pure vegetable oil in a jar with a tight lid. Using a soft cloth, rub a small amount at a time into wood furniture and watch it glow.

For my wood floor in the bedroom, I use the all-purpose spray with a dry Swiffer. It works great and the smell is clean. Lemon juice is also an awesome glass cleaner. Simply apply a few drops of real lemon juice, dry with a paper towel and polish with a piece of newspaper if desired.

Car Chrome?

Yes, you can! Pour a small amount of real lime juice on a soft cloth and get it done! Also, 2 Tablespoons of real lime juice and 1 Quart of water will clean those car windows. Amazing stuff!

Rusty Rims?

6 Tablespoons salt and 2 Tablespoons real lemon juice made into a paste. Apply with a dry cloth, rub, rinse and wipe dry.

Make a paste with baking soda and lemon juice to scrub stains on countertops. The possibilities are endless and best of all, it is economical and 100% safe to use.

I hope you have found these tips helpful. Please subscribe and share. Thank you! Until next time, make each and every day count for something!

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