Follow The Leader or Go it Alone

Follow The Leader or Go It Alone

Have you ever been torn between doing what you know is right and going with the flow? Back in my day, it was called peer pressure. In the time we live in now, I would call it societal pressure. Can you see why I call it this? Take a look around and you will see the effects of today’s society.

The Pressure is On

When I was growing up, (and I have been on this earth for over a half-century) There was no internet or cell phones, much less a “smart” phone one could hop on to google this or youtube to post videos on to see how many hits you can get. Peer pressure consisted of “have a smoke” “Just try it” and “One drink won’t hurt ya” types of stuff. These days the pressure is really on, and it is constantly in front of you.

What about these “challenges” that are causing multitudes of injuries and even death? And all for what.. a few seconds of meaningless fame?

Gender Confusion

Gender confusion is at an all-time high. Why is this? Are we not born either male or female? I use the term confusion because it is relevant to the message I wish to convey in this post and will become clear. This topic, among others I will be addressing is often avoided. I am not afraid to plunge in and bring these things to light.

Born That Way or Learned Behavior?

Society today embraces and promotes behaviors that used to be deemed inappropriate. I use the term behaviors because that is just what they are. We live in lascivious times. Definition according to the dictionary: of a person, manner, or gesture) feeling or revealing an overt and often offensive sexual desire.

Remember that definition. It is important. We turn on the tv and are bombarded with “reality” shows that portray certain behaviors as being normal. It is acceptable to jump from one gender to another in order to discover if they are “the one”?

What is normal? Definition: Adjective: conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected. Does this mean that according to today’s society, these behaviors are normal? So by all means, we should all “go with the flow”

Where Are The Answers

Who or where do we turn to for answers concerning these controversial matters? If one speaks out against certain things they are labeled as being discriminative or bigoted. We have gone very far from racism in today’s society. It never mattered to me what color a person is. Now we must accept behaviors without question or suffer consequences.

Again, where do we turn for answers? A Psychiatrist or psychologist who studies the human mind? How about a geneticist? A Pastor? I left out a priest for an obvious reason: Jude1:4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Savior Jesus Christ.

One Book Teaches All

There is that word, as it appears in another book. God’s book. Some of you will scoff, quit reading right now and move on to other things. Those who desire to learn the truth will keep reading because I will back up all I say with scripture you can look up for yourself.

Those who claim to be atheists or agnostics no doubt have never even picked up a Bible and read it. They merely continue following other blind and ignorant souls. I was one such ignorant soul up until 8 years ago. Read my testimony here. It is not my intent to condemn or judge. It is my intent to educate and enlighten those who are seeking the truth in these matters.

More places the word lasciviousness appears in the Bible: 2 Corinthians 12:21, Galatians 5:19, Ephesians 4:19, Romans 13:13, 1 Peter 4:3, 2 Peter 2:2, 2:7 & 2:18 please look them up and read them. In the age of smartphones, this information is at your fingertips. Keep in mind that there are many different versions of the bible and each will have different wording. I prefer the KJV or NKJV as these are considered to be the prevailing true versions of God’s word.

I highly recommend visiting amazing Doug Batchelor is a wonderful teacher and you will learn so much about our Lord. This site is loaded with videos and offers a free bible study course either online or through the mail. His testimony will touch and inspire you in many ways.

There is a force at work in the world and I will address this and hopefully bring to light what this force is and how to avoid it, in Is Satan Real?

until next time, make each and every day count for something!

May The Lord bless all who come to learn the truth.




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