“Christian” Movies And Their Deception

I recently watched a movie on Faith TV that was entitled Revelation: End Of Days. Soon into this I was mildly amused. As the movie progressed I became shocked. Do they really believe that this is an accurate portrayal of Bible prophecy? If they do, I pray that people will not take this as truth, because it is far from it. If they actually read the book of revelation then they are either blind to its real meaning or mocking it.

First of all, when the day of our Lord’s second coming arrives the Earth as we know it will cease to exist and no life will be left upon it. Read Revelation 21: 1 “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.” In the Bible, the sea represents multitudes of peoples. When Jesus returns, all eyes will see him. Not all at the same time, as He will sweep across the Earth collecting those who are written in the Lamb’s book of life.

At this time, the first resurrection happens. Those who have fallen asleep in Christ (died) will receive their glorified bodies and join our Lord in the clouds, as will those who are still living upon his return. (Some believe we go straight to heaven upon death. This is based on 1 Corinthians 15:52. If you really read what this passage says you will gain true understanding:” In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed”. : Think about it… if we die and go straight to heaven, would there be a reason for resurrection? For the dead, it will seem instantaneous, as it is upon falling asleep and waking the next morning.) Those who have not accepted Christ into their lives will perish forever. Read Revelation 20:5 and 20:6

Some believe that there is a “rapture” that takes place before the tribulation begins. This is not so according to scripture. Believers in Christ are on earth during the great tribulation. Read Deuteronomy 4:30, Act 14:22, Matthew 24:21. Matthew 24:29 speaks of immediately after the tribulation. This is when the harvest or rapture occurs. Non-believers will not wake up one morning to find a loved one has vanished and have 7 years to choose to follow Christ. There will be no chance to be saved once He returns, and the days of judgement are already here.

I will be addressing this issue more. For now I’m sure it is a lot to chew on for some of you. Please open a Bible and feel free to ask questions. Until next time, make each and every day count for something!


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