My Journey To Faith


One wonderful moment in anyone’s life will become his or her turning point.

It will determine your life from that very second in time.

It will either pivot one in a totally different direction or transcend you into a deeper understanding of where you already are.

That is epiphany.

If you have ever had such a momentous second in your time line of life, it will be one that is never forgotten. After all, it has changed your entire existence.

In my life, it cannot be compared to a revelation. I have had many encounters of revelation…that AHA moment when something suddenly becomes clear. No, epiphany is clearly a grandeur event in itself.

One can go through their entire life and never experience this. Perhaps they have never been in need of it, or did not recognize what it was.

That simply cannot be so, because when epiphany strikes it is impossible to ignore. It is epic!

Is it possible to experience more than one episode? I would think not.

I have lived on this planet for fifty-two years, and my epiphany came just three years ago.

Feeling lost, alone and very insignificant, I was channel surfing and came across a Christian channel. I was not raised in any faith and knew very little if anything, about God or Christ Jesus.

I sat down and began watching and listening to the speaker in front of me. Steps To Christ was his message.

It was that instant when everything became clear: why my life felt meaningless and empty-void of purpose and joy. In that instant I knew the meaning of life and why I am here.

I felt love, peace and joy…real joy, for the very first time in my life, and I knew that I never wanted to let this feeling go! I had an epiphany like no other and I know I will never have another. It changed my life and how I live it.

I have since immersed myself into learning all I can about our savior and his ultimate purpose for each of us.

He has touched my life in ways other people cannot comprehend.

Only when they experience this type of epiphany will they understand what I attempt to convey.

Only then will the world really know and feel what I feel.

Copyright2019 L.A.Pluth

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