Eating Healthy On A Budget

In the times we live in, it is all too easy to swing into a fast food place for lunch or those days when we just don’t feel like cooking. I know all too well. I also noticed my own waistline growing and became resolved to do something about it. Fast food is not good for you food. I limit myself to one visit per month and am pleased with myself when I don’t visit a drive-thru at all.

I have begun preparing my meals ahead of time when I am working out of my town, which is the case one day out of my week. The other 5 days I am close enough to my home where I can swing by for a bite between clients. (I am a homecare worker.)

One of my favorite breakfast dishes I prepare Sunday night and enjoy all week. It is simple: Boil 1 lb of russet potatoes, or 6 good size potatoes. Cool. Meanwhile, I cook a whole package of turkey bacon, cut into pieces or ground 2 lbs of ground turkey, one whole onion, chopped, 1 green pepper, chopped and add seasoning to taste. Set aside. In large bowl, whisk 1 dozen eggs and add meat mixture.

Grate the potatoes and press into a casserole or pan sprayed with cooking oil. Pour the egg and meat mixture on top. Cheese can be added as well. Bake at 350 degrees for 35-40mins. Cool, cut into portions, cover tightly and store in refrigerator.

Feel free to modify to your own taste. I do not use pork so you will never see it listed in my recipes.

A lunch sandwich I enjoy is cooked chicken, red onion, baby spinach or lettuce, tomato and cucumber in a spinach wrap, much like you see at subway except it is of course cheaper and healthier to make your own and the combinations are left to your own imagination. These store well for up to 4 days in the frig, if no dressing is added until ready to eat.

I utilize my slow cooker as much as possible. Prepare your meal the night before, store in frig and turn on in the morning before heading off to work. I have some great slow cooker recipes I will share later on. Until next time, make each and every day count for something!


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