Plastic Is Not Harmless

Plastic Is Not Harmless

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Is plastic harmless? I felt the need to address the issue of plastic because,  plastic is not harmless and if you haven’t noticed, it is everywhere. Most of our food products are stored in plastic containers. If we look around, plastic has taken over our environment as well.

ecofriendly laundry sheets
Dump The Plastic Jugs! Click the photo to learn more!

Did You Know?

It was in 1973 when Nathaniel Wyeth, an engineer with Dupont, first patented Polyethelyne terephthalate (aka PET) bottles. This material was the first to withstand the pressure of carbonated beverages.

 As I was studying the name- is that even a word?- It made me think of everything unhealthy. We use (poly)urethane to coat our furniture, yet there is a warning on the container that it causes cancer.

According to the National Center for Health Research, Phthalates are unhealthy for us, as they are a “type of endocrine disrupting chemical.” Meaning they affect hormones within the body. Have I got you saying “hmmm” yet? Is plastic harmless?

Is Plastic a Threat To Your Health?

According to Harvard Health Publishing, yes, it is. And this substance is also linked to the ever-growing problem of obesity. Recall that endocrine disrupting chemical mentioned?

Do you often use the microwave to reheat or cook food? I also have, but not so much, as these poisons can leech into your food when heated in plastic containers, and the microwave destroys vital nutrients.

If I had my way, our microwave would have been thrown out a long time ago, yet my husband says otherwise, so he continues to use it… while I continue to clean it!

PFAS: Forever Chemicals

polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, are long-lasting chemicals that break down very slowly over time and are widely used in consumer, industrial, and commercial products. What should concern everyone is this:

  • PFAS have been discovered in human and animal blood across the globe
  • Are present in a variety of food products and our environment
  • Studies show that PFAS may be linked to harmful health effects

What About BPA

BPA (bisphenol A) is an industrial chemical used since the 1950s to produce certain polycarbonate plastics and resins, such as those used to store beverages and food.

Do We Have A Choice?

  1. I often read labels and will not use plastic bottles for carrying my water to work or on the go.
  2. At home, I use stainless steel water bottles and glass, not plastic. I will also transfer beverages from one medium to another. Never allow a plastic water bottle to remain in a hot vehicle and drink from it.
  3. Use traditional cooking methods when preparing and reheating food.
  4. Search for BPA-free, environmentally friendly containers whenever possible.
  5. Recycle!

Ditch The Laundry Jugs

One major issue I have seen is plastic laundry jugs. Who doesn’t use laundry soap? One alternative is to make your own, which I have also done, yet this can be time-consuming and if you are among the working class, then time can be limited to these grand ideas.

Plastic laundry jugs are a huge issue; one billion are thrown away yearly! Are you aware that 70% of these make it to our landfills? Think about our water supplies when these plastic containers manage to escape and wind up in oceans and other waterways.

One Solution

One product I have found- and love- is Earth Breeze laundry sheets, and right now is the best time to switch, as you can save 40% when you subscribe to Earth Breeze today.

Why I Love Earth Breeze

  • No Phosphates or phthalates
  • Paraben Free
  • Bleach and dye-free
  • Hypoallergenic-dermatologist tested
laundry sheets, no plastic jug
Click The Photo to learn more! I use Earth Breeze and recommend it to everyone

One small step can make a huge difference. By using eco-friendly products, we protect not only the environment but our health as well. Earth breeze laundry sheets are making a difference in my household. Fresh, clean laundry and no waste going to the landfill!


Sacrificing Health for Convenience

Another way to reduce the number of plastics going into our landfills is by walking past the freezer section filled with “convenience foods.”

As I mentioned earlier, the microwave depletes nutrients in food. Are these prepared, frozen meals really healthy for us? And what are the containers made of?

Cooking with whole foods is the healthiest and most delicious way to gain or regain your energy and lose weight if needed. We need to return to the kitchen, pull out grandmother’s recipes and return to a healthy way of living!

Is plastic harmless? In my opinion, and what my research has discovered, no. Plastic is not harmless and greatly contributes to our health and environmental issues.

Less is Best

Less is best in packaging. I have also started shopping with reusable cloth bags to reduce the amount of plastic I need to get rid of. Another way to reduce plastic waste is to reuse spray bottles. I make my cleaning spray out of vinegar and orange/lemon peels by soaking the peelings in vinegar for at least one week before using them. Wonderful non-toxic solution!

Try Earth Breeze and free the landfills and your laundry room from those plastic jugs. Earth Breeze gets your clothes clean and helps save your environment.

**Affiliate link Earth Breeze laundry sheets

Earth Breeze is the best laundry soap I have used and is not the only laundry sheet I have tried.

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