3 Steps To Fighting Addictions

 3 Steps To Fighting Addictions

Living sober and staying sober in a world that promotes everything that goes against this is difficult for anyone who does not have the proper tools or support. I did not say impossible because it is not impossible to live a sober (clean) life. There are 3 steps to fighting addictions.

Is Moderation The Key?

The majority of addicts will agree that moderation is off the table.  Moderation will not be a part of the 3 steps to fighting addictions. When was the last time you had just one potato chip? Yes, there are food addicts. Anything can become an addiction when it takes over your life and you feel powerless to control it.

Moderation is not the answer, yet society promotes it. Advertisements for alcohol contain the footnote “please drink responsibly” yet anyone who drinks can relate to the potato chip reference.

The first drink is just the prerequisite. That first drink loosens you up, relaxes you, and gets the user to let their guard down. This writer knows all about alcohol because it controlled my world for most of my life and at one point I felt powerless against it. It nearly killed me.

There was a period of time when this writer thought that it no longer controlled her, that she could have a couple of beers and call it a night. For a period of time, this was all good; but she knew it was beginning to get a firm grip on her again. It was creeping back into my life and I was not going to allow it to kill me!

Everything in moderation is not an addict’s motto. Abstinence is the only way to overcome any addiction that involves a substance that alters your mind.

When it comes to food addictions behavior modification is suggested, as learning why one turns to food. A diabetic may crave sweets, just as a recovering alcoholic may as well.

 Step 1. Recognizing There Is A Problem

The first of 3 steps to fighting addictions

If you refuse to admit your problem, you will never overcome it. I know many people who claim to be fine, saying “I only drink on the weekends, so I don’t have a problem. Working hard all week, I deserve to relax.”

I know some of these people with no problem also never made it back to work Monday morning because they had the “flu,” or were late because they didn’t hear their alarm. The excuses were plenty, and the evidence was all over social media with the selfies at several bars or other events.

It may seem amusing, yet this is the norm, isn’t it? So when, exactly, is it a problem?

Once we admit to ourselves that there is a problem, then it is possible to overcome it. Only at this point, because part of the problem denies there is one!

Step 2. The Desire To Stop

Once the addiction is acknowledged, there must be a genuine desire to overcome it. I also smoked cigarettes. I began this nasty habit at the age of 14. This was also when I started drinking. I smoked cigarettes for 38 years of my life. I tried to quit more times than I can remember, and did not smoke during pregnancy but started up again, yet finally got the victory and remain smoke-free. How? Read my testimony on how I quit smoking.

Growing up, it was the way of life. Both of my parents were alcoholics, and their friends drank. Both are now deceased. Most of my family drank. The homestead was the party place. Everybody went there to party and sometimes the parties lasted for days. Is it no surprise that I fell into this way of life? It was “normal.”

I will not go into my whole life story, but I will add that nobody around me ever spoke up to tell me that my drinking was out of control. Not one friend or family member, even after spending some time behind bars for DWI. It was always a joke to everyone.

 Step 3. Removing Obstacles

Not everyone will want to see you get sober. They will have their own selfish reasons to put stumbling blocks in front of you. Some will work hard to see that you fail. These people are far from friends or family. These people really never cared about you, to begin with, or they are afraid of losing their party buddy.

If someone attempts to point out that you do not have a problem when you clearly do, by downplaying your addiction, this is a person to cut ties with. When everyone you know drinks, and or does drugs, it is time to move on and find other friends. Yes, this must be done.

Where To Turn

988 is all you need to dial to speak to someone anonymously. Or 1-866-903-3787 for confidential and free help 24/7. These numbers I myself have never used but feel they need to be shared. 

How I Beat My Addictions

It has been a few years now and living a clean life is a real blessing. This is where my personal testimony comes in and every word of this is true. If you clicked on the link of how I quit smoking then you probably know that it was the same Holy Spirit that removed alcohol from my life as well.

It did not happen in an instant (actually overnight) as it did with cigarettes. This change came on so gradually that I did not notice it until someone brought it up.

When my heart went to Jesus He really did go to work in my life, changing me from the inside out. The desire to drink faded away until one day I realized that I was finally free. The tears still well up when I think about How Jesus saved my life.

Praying daily for a whole month before my stop smoking day, I claimed His promise in 1 Corinthians 10:13 and said “Lord, you know I want to quit smoking but I can’t do it alone. I am claiming your promise to give me the way of escape.”

When the night before my quit day came and I put out that last smoke, I went to bed. When I woke up I thanked Him for giving me victory and this is the absolute truth, I have had no desire to smoke since. In fact, now find it disgusting after smoking for 38 years.

I had tried quitting numerous times in the past. It was only when giving it to the Holy Spirit that I was finally able to leave it behind me. Let go and let God take it from you!

Stopping all alcohol was a little different. He took this over a period of time and I can’t even remember my last beer and really don’t care. I am finally living and loving life!

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New Habits New Life

Do something daily for at least one month and it becomes habitual, hence a new habit is formed. I find exercising daily to be a good outlet and organizing my small living space is no longer an irritation.

I have more patience and take my time getting things done and the result is a sense of satisfaction I have never felt before. There is a sense of peace when immersing yourself in a project with no distractions. What a wonderful feeling to be free!

You can still enjoy hobbies but on a different level when your mind is totally clear. Each day is better than the last when you wake up feeling refreshed and healthier than yesterday. Energy is restored. All thanks to the Holy Spirit who began that good work within me when I finally reached out for help.

Jesus loves you and will take away your addictions. He is waiting for you to reach out and give Him your heart so His will can be done in your life. Do you know?

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

I pray anyone reading this who is battling any addiction will give it over to you, heavenly Father, and never struggle again. In Jesus’ name, Amen. ♥†

Please take another step to know Jesus by looking at these free online Bible studies.

What Am I Missing Out On

Do I feel different by being sober in every way? Of course! Am I missing out on anything? No. My life has never been better and anyone who scoffs or mocks my way of life, in my opinion, is the one who is missing out.

I have a future to look forward to now. What does your future look like? Is it uncertain, or is it filled with anticipation of better things to come? Until next time, make each day count for something, and know that freedom from addiction can be only a prayer away. Stay blessed.






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