Fat loss after Thirty- Follow My Transformation

Fat Loss After Thirty

Hi friends! Welcome to my fat loss after thirty weight loss blog. Here is not a secret: I turned 53 this past April. So why did I say after thirty? Well, for me personally my struggle with weight loss began in my mid-thirties. This was when I noticed that I could look at a piece of cake and gain a pound, know what I mean? My journey began a few short months ago and will continue indefinitely.

Is It Hormones?

Hormones can affect a lot of things. I never considered HRT or hormone replacement therapy. I really had no idea I had even entered perimenopause in my mid-thirties after losing a fallopian tube and ovary due to an ectopic pregnancy. My world came crashing in and a deep depression got a hold of me. I had no idea that this could result in the “baby blues” regardless if I had carried to term or not. Being totally out of control mentally and physically created a downward spiral that took years to get out of. I don’t have a problem discussing these things if it means someone else can learn and benefit from it. My advice is to discuss this in-depth with your health care professional to weigh the benefits and risks associated with HRT

Is It Diet?

Once we reach a certain age, let’s face it…diet does matter! And what I have discovered, it’s not only WHAT you eat but WHEN you eat that has an impact on fat loss. First of all, I want you to forget about the scale. The scale truly is a liar! Does the scale determine if your clothes fit better? One thing I know is when I lost six inches of fat, my scale only showed a 4 lb weight loss, and you know why? Because muscle weighs more than fat and as we age, the one thing we want to maintain is healthy muscle mass. This can help with our bones as well. Set that scale aside and get out your tape measure! A loss in INCHES is the best boost of confidence. ( Well, in my world it is!)

What Do I Eat?

A high protein breakfast is the best. It will keep you going until lunchtime. I eat two hard-boiled eggs or if I have the time, an egg white omelet with diced onion and green pepper sprinkled with a couple of tablespoons of shredded cheese or a dollop of cottage cheese along with a dash of salt and pepper. Having some prep work done the night before is a big time saver. A small snack of fruit and crunchy carrots or my favorite, sliced cucumber soaked in apple cider vinegar will give your metabolism a boost and curb cravings.

Eating your biggest meal earlier in the day and opting for a light supper has been a real game-changer for me. Not eating after 8 pm is my rule and if I do it is a cup of berries and cottage cheese or a banana. did you know that bananas contain melatonin? The perfect snack to help you sleep.


Have you tried fasting? Intermittent fasting is another way to get your metabolism going. Studies have shown that fasting can not only help in losing weight but it can also decrease the amount of inflammation in the body. There are several ways you can fast:

  1. Daily- Time-restricted. Eat your healthy meals within an eight hour period only
  2. 5:2- Eat a healthy diet five days per week and fast for two.
  3. Alternate- Eat healthy one day and completely fast the next or only eat one small meal.

The link above (highlighted in pink) explains fasting. *NOTE- if you are diabetic or have other health issues, do NOT fast until you discuss the risks and benefits with your health care provider.

If you ARE diabetic, either type 1 or type 2, please see my post on lowering your blood sugar naturally. It describes how to use food and herbs to your benefit, and it only takes a few minutes each day!

How About Exercise?

Oh yes, that dreaded word had to be in here somewhere, didn’t it? Of course, we should exercise. What if exercise was fun and you really didn’t know you were exercising? Is that even possible? I added a tool to my arsenal and by using this tool my fat loss has accelerated! It is the stealth fitness board. I wrote a post all about the stealth fitness board and you can read about it and view my before and after photos here. I am still using my stealth after 48 days. Sign up to stay in the loop and follow my journey, because there will be regular updates. Fat loss after thirty can be easy and enjoyable!

Cook With Whole Foods

With everything going on these days, I know more of us are staying home and cooking. I hope that consists of fresh produce, meat, and vegetables and not reaching for a box on the shelf or frozen meals. Knowing the worst things to eat are processed foods, I will scold people because you just don’t know what you’re missing, not only in taste but the health benefits of whole foods, and if you can get certified organic, even better. Scolding over.

I enjoy chicken and turkey in most of my meals. Good protein and lower fat. Also, red meat really doesn’t agree with me and I have found that by eliminating red meat from my diet, the inflammation in my joints has decreased and I just feel better overall. Fresh fish is ideal, but if you choose frozen, be sure to check for wild-caught and NOT farmed.

There is more to come, so please opt-in for updates! Thanks for visiting and make each and every day count for something!





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