Normal Blood Sugar Is Possible With Type 2 Diabetes-How to Reverse Diabetes Symptoms

Normal blood sugar IS possible with type 2 diabetes

Can You Reverse Diabetes Symptoms?

Are you having diabetes symptoms or have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes? Have you been told that you are “pre-diabetic”? Then I am writing this to you and want you to know that It is possible to reverse diabetes symptoms. How do I know this? Please keep reading. My husband was diagnosed a few years ago.

How Can Diabetes Appear Out Of Nowhere?

When my husband started feeling poorly it was off to the doctor where blood tests revealed that his blood sugar was pretty darn high. This was shortly after he began taking medication for his high blood pressure. Hmm. It wasn’t until a few short months ago that I stumbled across some information that linked high blood pressure medications to the onset of diabetes symptoms and type 2 diabetes. I wanted to know if this was true. wouldn’t you?

It turns out that meds containing thiazides are indeed linked to causing type2 diabetes and diabetes symptoms. Isn’t this nice? A medication that is supposed to help with one issue is now causing another!

To say the least, I was not happy and neither is my husband. After all, it is he who is dealing with all of this. My husband doesn’t use computers and hates technology. I am the one who can find anything online. Research is what I do. So, the question now is what, if anything can be done?

How can we fix this? How can we reverse his diabetes symptoms? Is it even possible?

What I Discovered

I stopped everything else I was working on and began digging around. I already knew that lifestyle played a big part in my husband’s downward spiral. He hates vegetables. He hates salad. In short, he hates ANYTHING that is good for you!

Both his health care provider and I have been warning him for years that if he didn’t start eating right it would catch up to him. And you guessed it… when he told me he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes the first thought that came to mind was “I told you so”.

First I wanted to discover if his high blood pressure could be lowered naturally, and it turns out that yes it can. That will be in an upcoming post, so be sure to join my mailing list so you don’t miss this important information and lots more!

I came across a website that seemed to be just another long video presentation but we did watch it until the end. I am SO glad that I discovered this because it all made sense, so I decided to purchase this protocol for my husband.

We won’t call it a diet plan because it really isn’t, and this is what made it so easy to put in front of my picky husband. Once your blood sugar is under control you will lose weight naturally, and this is true because I see him losing inches each week, and without restrictions in his diet.

What Is This Remedy?

This diabetes remedy consists of simple dressings and dips. That’s all! It is fantastic! Each dressing or dip is made of up to 5 simple ingredients that when combined together pack a powerful punch on your blood sugar.

No exotic ingredients to track down.

What makes this so special is the combination of ingredients used twice per day. Simply add it to the healthy food you are already eating. So simple and so delicious that I decided to try them myself and a couple of weeks after eating these dips and dressings my clothes started fitting better!

I’ve never had a problem with my blood sugar. In fact, my blood sugar has always been on the low side, even with being over-weight. What I personally found is that the cravings I always had for potato chips (of all things) began to diminish.

Increased Energy

 We are amazed to have more energy and this is spectacular because I have been battling chronic fatigue for quite some time now. My husband actually looks forward to his meals and I can see a smile on his face when he checks his blood sugar. He no longer dreads this.

I am waiting for the day when his doctor decides to take him off his medications and so far it looks like it won’t be long! UPDATE: since I first wrote this post, I have lost 3 inches off my waist as well!

Reversing Type 2 Diabetes Is Possible

Yes, it is possible to reverse type 2 diabetes. It won’t happen overnight, and it will take some effort on your part. Is your health and possibly your life or the life of a loved one worth a little effort? I should think so!

Can you take 5 minutes out of your day to whip up a dip or dressing? Are you able to drink a cup of tea on occasion? It really is that easy. If you or a loved one have high blood sugar, are pre-diabetic or have diabetes symptoms you absolutely need this remedy right now!

No special Meals

You won’t need to prepare special meals for other family members because the whole family can benefit if needed. There are no special foods, just the dips, and dressings to add to your existing meal.

I do suggest cooking with whole foods whenever possible and avoiding fast food or convenience foods from the freezer section. This is common sense. We know they aren’t good for us.

I will be sharing recipes to compliment this protocol so subscribe to my mailing list. You won’t be spammed and your information will not be shared. I promise.

Go here to get this diabetes remedy Do it today. It can not only change your life but it could save it or the life of a loved one.

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