What Is Fasting? Naturally boost weight loss

What Is Fasting? (I.F. or intermittent fasting)

Let me begin by listing what fasting ISN’T…

  1. It isn’t a diet, it is a lifestyle
  2. Not to be used as a “quick fix”
  3. Not for everybody

Why I.F. Isn’t A “Diet”

If fasting isn’t a diet, then what is fasting? Look at fasting as a prolonged period between meals that gives your body a tuneup! Fasting is the ultimate tune-up for the body. When we fast, the body has a chance to burn the stored fat as fuel. How long the fast is determines how efficient the fat-burning process becomes. This doesn’t happen right away…in fact, it is different for each person.

Fasting does not rely on a certain amount of calories or special foods, although the quality of the food you eat will have a big impact on your progress. That’s why it is a lifestyle, not a diet and you determine how this lifestyle will benefit you. Everybody is different. There is no “one size fits all” plan. In fact, forget everything you have ever read about dieting and get the best information you can on fasting with this book.

Why Fasting Isn’t A Quick Fix

It takes time to reset the metabolism and allow the body to heal itself. This made total sense to me when I got Gin Stephen’s book Fast. Feast. Repeat. Once I started reading this book I had a hard time putting it down, and trust me…you are going to want a physical copy of this book for reference.

Why choose Fasting

I have hit a roadblock on my journey. Even though I now have a healthy eating lifestyle, watch my portions, and exercise regularly the scale hasn’t moved. Once I read this book, everything seemed to fall into place and I realized that my issue is insulin resistance and a metabolic problem made worse when menopause came around close to 9 years ago.

I began fasting a couple of months ago on my own (Before I got the book) and was excited to hopefully start seeing some real progress. I was disappointed when the scale still didn’t move and no inches were lost! Being a member of a FB group didn’t help one bit because the information on there was conflicting.

It really helps to get the best information you can on any new lifestyle changes because too often we become overwhelmed and this can lead to giving up prematurely when real progress is so close.

 Conditions That Impede Progress

  • Stress
  • Lack of sleep
  • Thyroid issue that is undiagnosed (this can be difficult)
  • Menopause
  • Medications that can cause weight gain (Never stop taking medications without consulting your doctor)
  • Food sensitivities
  • Shift work can really disrupt your body

Clean Fast/Dirty Fast

All of these people kept talking about a dirty fast and how you can still lose weight if you put cream in your coffee or have sugar-free sweetener in your tea. Guess what? There is NO SUCH THING as a “dirty fast” and this has everything to do with your body creating an insulin reaction. Even TASTING something sweet will trigger this response! I was chewing gum…that is on the NO list.

See how important getting the right information is? Don’t try fasting without reading her book. I am so glad to have this comprehensive guide, with references and notes to do your own research on any topic discussed. Do yourself a favor and grab your own copy today! You will thank me later!

Fasting Requires Dedication

Just like any other program out there, IF does require dedication. Even though it is a lifestyle there will be a period of adjustment before it will become a part of your life that becomes routine. You may find that thoughts of food will seldom enter your mind until your body tells you it is time for fuel.

Are You Really Hungry?

That hunger pang may be a signal for water. Within the first month of the IF lifestyle, it will become apparent if you need more water and you will probably stop eating sooner than you did in the past because your satiety signal will finally be working as it should.

The Scale Really Does Lie

Once you begin to make progress, pay attention to how your clothes feel, not what the scale says. IF will change the body composition and even add muscle, which we all know weighs more than fat. Put that scale away and get over the desire to reach a certain weight goal, because even though you weigh 5 lbs over your goal weight you may fit into a size smaller than you would otherwise. It’s like magic!

Fasting Is Not For Everyone

ALWAYS consult your personal physician before beginning any form of diet or weight loss program. Fasting can actually make you gain weight if you have a slow metabolism caused by extreme caloric deficits in some diets.

The body enters into starvation mode and will shut down the metabolism in order to preserve itself. If you have been eating fewer than 1,000 calories per day and find that weight loss has stopped then this could be the issue. Are you feeling cold? This is one sign that your body is in starvation mode.

Plant-Based Whole Foods Are Best

These days it seems that a meal in a box is what everyone is grabbing and this is the worst type of food to be eating! Those “helper” meals are nothing but highly processed junk that will make you gain more weight.

Ways To Naturally Boost Weight Loss

Boost weight loss

  • No eating late at night. Make it a point to eat your last meal of the day early and no munching while watching that movie later on!
  • Get enough sleep. 7-8 hours of sleep is your goal and this device will help you track it.
  • Combat depression by using light therapy at the same time each morning.
  • Eat a simple breakfast to get your metabolism going. A hard-boiled egg and some whole-grain toast will do the trick.
  • Get moving! 30 minutes of activity to get your heart pumping is all you need to boost weight loss. A brisk walk is free and fresh air is wonderful!
  • Get your daily intake of water. The body needs those 8 glasses per day to maintain.

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