Lose Weight Without Dieting – And Keep It Off!

Lose Weight Without Dieting-And Keep It Off!

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Believe me when I say been there, done that! No matter what I tried, my energy levels would eventually hit rock bottom. How many different diets have you tried over the years and always wound up feeling sick and tired? You are not alone and you can finally ditch the diets and still lose weight!

Let’s take a look at some of these popular “diets” and see why they don’t work as they claim.

  1. The Keto Diet: Everything protein and claims to put your body into ketosis… a fat-burning state. How can your body burn any fat when it is constantly being fueled? (I will explain this shortly, so keep reading)
  2. The Atkins plan: Again, mostly protein and sweet protein snacks, etc.. again I ask how a body burns fat when constantly being fueled?
  3. The counting calories and exercise diet plan: Not a bad way to go…the body needs exercise and if you eat fewer calories you will naturally lose weight, right? Well… not necessarily.
  4. The Mediterranean diet: Very good food choices, yet still constantly fueling…

Okay Then! How Can We Lose Weight Without Dieting?

Intermittent Fasting or IF! This is not a diet but a lifestyle change that will give your whole body an overhaul and you will have so much energy every day it will blow you away! This is a lifestyle that YOU control. It is a gradual change that will create a permanent transformation that becomes a preferred way of life! It is life changing in every sense. Once you discover what chronic diseases IF can reverse you will be asking if this is the true fountain of youth.

How Does Intermittent Fasting Work

As I mentioned above, how can a body burn fat if it is constantly being fueled? When you fast for a certain length of time and deprive the body of this outside fuel, it will then turn to a different source of fuel, and that is stored glycogen.

Intermittent fasting is not the same for everyone. It is not a one size fits all program. You will genuinely create your own program and tweak it until you see and feel the results that work for you.

Do You Lose Weight Quickly?

This depends on your body and how insulin resistant you are. Once you get past this then you may lose weight quickly. Others may lose weight right away. As I said, it is not the same for everyone, and you may not even see the scale move but see and feel how your clothes are fitting, which is the ultimate desired result, isn’t it?

Put That Scale In Storage!

You read that correctly. Step off of that scale and put it in a closet… at least for a few months. This is about reducing body FAT and we know that fat weighs less. You will find that your body will begin to create more muscle mass without even lifting a weight. This is a pleasant side effect of living the IF lifestyle!

The Right Information

If you want to learn more about the intermittent lifestyle, I highly recommend This Book by New York Times best-selling author Gin Stephens. I own a copy and am so blessed to have this comprehensive guide at my fingertips!

Get your copy of Fast. Feast. Repeat. here today! This is the only information you will need on this new lifestyle, I guarantee it!

I also recommend this whole foods cookbook to complement your new lifestyle change. My energy is non-stop and my mirror, as well as my wardrobe, is telling me this is the lifestyle for me!

Happy Fasting! L.A.Pluth

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