Keeping The Sabbath Holy-Learn Bible Truth

Happy Sabbath!

Today is Saturday, June 5th, 2021 and it is the Sabbath day of rest. Since I am sharing the Lord’s word, I am not breaking the Sabbath but doing a good deed. Writing is my gift and sharing the good news of the gospel has become my calling, so therefore this article is still keeping the Sabbath Holy and you will learn bible truth!

Keeping the Sabbath Holy?

Are you a Sabbath keeper? We know that Sabbath begins each Friday (preparation day) at sundown and ends Saturday at sundown. This gives us a full 24 hours to devote to our creator! By preparing for Sabbath on Friday we ensure that those 24 hours are carefree and truly restful.

But what does it mean to keep the Sabbath Holy? Let’s explore and discover just how we can accomplish this…

  • Shop for and prepare meals ahead of time on Friday
  • Complete household chores before sunset on Friday
  • Gas up vehicles prior to Sabbath

These are a good starting point. We do not work on Sabbath and therefore should not expect others to work for us!

  • No mowing the lawn (or having a lawn service come in on Sabbath)
  • No going out to eat on Sabbath…this is expecting others to work for us

A True Day Of Rest

Another way we are keeping the Sabbath Holy is by not pursuing our own interests and activities on our Sabbath day of rest but seeking out the Lord by attending fellowship and using this time for Bible study and worship. Turn off the television!

If the television is on, it should be turned to Christian broadcasting such as 3ABN, It Is Written TV, or Amazing facts TV. All of these are wonderful channels that offer a variety of wholesome programs the family can enjoy and learn together. Be sure to open that Bible and read a few chapters…it is full of amazing things!

Take a nature hike

Go explore the outdoors and enjoy some fresh air and needed exercise. Listen to the birds, identify plants, foraging is another fun activity and there is nothing better than fresh berries! (Just be sure you know they are safe). I have an app on my phone called picture this and it’s great for identifying plants.

Have a picnic in the park and study the Bible together! Make up a trivia game or create flashcards to help memorize passages. This is a great tool to help share the gospel, and this is what the Lord wants all of His followers to do…He wants to win as many souls as He can before His return!

Rest Rest Rest

I used to worry about the work I couldn’t do on Sabbath, but now I look forward to each one because a full day of rest is just what the Father ordered after a long week of working! The weeds in the flowerbeds will wait until Sunday and so will that load of laundry!

The Sabbath flies by way too fast for me now, even in the Summer when the days are the longest. I look forward to fellowship Bible study and Church on Sabbath morning, and when I return home I attend another service with the Granite Bay Church on AFTV. After that, it is my own study time and communing with Jesus.

Notice that last verse that was referenced? The Sabbath is a SIGN between God and His Followers. This SIGN is what sanctifies us and will be very important during the coming tribulation because, in the end, it all comes down to who you worship: God or the beast. That is yet another topic for another day, coming soon!

I hope this has been informative and has helped you discover the Sabbath as not just another day but a Holy day that was set aside at the time of creation and was included in God’s Ten Commandments that He wrote in stone. The 4th Commandment and the ONLY commandment that begins with the word REMEMBER.

Until next time, make each and every day count for something! (But keep The Sabbath Holy)

Stay blessed


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