The Real Truth About Seafood: It Really Isn’t Food

The Real Truth About Seafood

Seafood Really Isn’t Food

truth about seafood
Photo by Chait Goli on pexels

Before anyone gets upset about this statement, let’s reason together, shall we? According to one source, mussels and clams are being used to clean polluted water in Mountain lake of San Francisco, California.

Any bottom feeder is considered to be a filter for its surrounding area. Ever think about why the earth’s water supply is more polluted than ever? It is not because of the introduction of technology or the growing fleets of ships sailing the world. I am sure all of that has had an impact, however, imagine plucking the filter out of an aquarium…what will happen?

All Water Needs To Be Filtered

Would you drink unfiltered or unpurified water? If I absolutely had to choose from a lake or stream in order to survive it would be a stream-if I had a choice- because the water is moving. These days we needn’t worry too much, with the advent of portable water filters. Anyone can have access to life-sustaining H2O while hiking and lost in the wilderness.

Taken For Granted

Each day we turn on the faucet to brush our teeth or fill the coffee or teapot without giving much thought to exactly where this clean potable water comes from or the process required to make it that way. Most treatment plants use a similar process to remove unwanted bacteria, parasites, and other impurities from the water we drink.

How Do They Clean Our Water

This process often begins with the use of chemicals that bind other compounds in the water, making it heavier than the surrounding water. It will sink to the bottom of the treatment tank. They call this sediment floc, which is then removed from the tank and the remaining liquid then goes through a filtration system made from sand, gravel, and charcoal.

Next, the water is disinfected using chlorine, which removes any remaining pathogens and is supposed to keep the water clean as it travels through the pipes to reach our homes. Does it really end there with a healthy glass of drinking water?

What Does This Have To Do With Seafood

The creatures that live on the bottom of our oceans and seas were put there for a reason, and that is to keep our water supply clean. They are the earth’s filtration system, just as the rain forests are the lungs of the earth and are there to keep our air clean. This information is mainly suppressed by those who profit from its destruction.

Leviticus 11:9–129 these you may eat of all that are in the water: whatever in the water has fins and scales, whether in the seas or in the rivers—that you may eat. 10 But all in the seas or in the rivers that do not have fins and scales, all that move in the water or any living thing which is in the water, they are 4an abomination to you. 11 They shall be an abomination to you; you shall not eat their flesh, but you shall regard their carcasses as an abomination. 12 Whatever in the water does not have fins or scales—that shall be an abomination to you.

The Creator Of All Knows

You find most of our health rules in the third book of our universal manual The Bible, established in the beginning and continues to guide us today so that we are ready when the author and finisher of all returns to redeem us and make all things new.

Christians not only believe what God’s word says, but they also implement it into their daily lives and in return are blessed with better health and longevity.

Before I  gave my life over to Jesus to live the Christian life, it was a real eye-opener reading the health message in the Bible. However, the more I studied the more it made sense to me, and these changes were not that difficult when taken in steps.

Our Filtration System

Does it make sense that God would provide a way to keep our water clean? Does it make sense that by eating these creatures you could be ingesting poisonous substances such as mercury, lead, dioxins, ethers, and chlorinated pesticides? Watch the following video to learn more:

I pray that anyone seeking Bible truth will be blessed by visiting this site. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Learn more about eating healthy by cooking whole foods. Any food that comes in a box really isn’t food either and is considered “junk food”. It shouldn’t be eaten every day as a part of your regular diet, yet everywhere you turn junk food is being made the staple of the American diet.

Obesity And The Typical Diet

Processed foods

I discovered a great website that lists 17 processed foods to avoid. It has been fact-checked and I highly recommend visiting the link provided to learn more about processed foods and how they have an impact on health and the growing concern over obesity in children.

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Until next time, make each and every day count for something!


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