Fear Of Missing Out: what are you missing?

Fear of Missing Out: What Are You Missing?

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The FOMO or fear of missing out: What are you missing?

  • cannot stop checking their phone every few seconds 
  •  to purchase a product they don’t need because the advertisement says “Hurry! Only a limited supply”
  • pay more than something is worth in fear of competition

What Are You Missing?

Social Media- Fear of missing out: what are you missing?

What are you missing out on by not constantly checking those social media accounts? Are the things other people share a benefit to you, or is there the fear of what others may be posting about you. Anxiety can often be connected to social media, especially in younger individuals. Is it worth it?

A Habit Worth Breaking

Trouble sleeping? Are you on that phone or iPad moments before trying to fall asleep each night? Your brain needs time to wind down before you can effectively transition into that healthy dream state where the mind will run through the day’s activities, sorting them out and resetting for the next day.

Turn off your phone and any other electronics at least two (2) hours before bed. This is the single most effective way I found to help me fall asleep quickly each night. It does work! Make it the one good habit you can get into and be consistent with it. 

Blue-light-blocking glasses are a very good purchase to add to your arsenal. Being a writer who is in front of a screen the majority of my day I use them and they are highly effective.

Block harmful blue light with these glasses
Block harmful light click my affiliate link above

Anyone who spends a significant amount of time looking at a screen needs to be aware of the effects of blue light emitted from their electronic devices. See this article on the effects electronics have on sleep and our brain health.


Purchase a Product You Don’t Need

Hurry! Limited Supply! Fear of missing out: What are you missing?

Have you fallen for this ruse? I will admit that this writer has, but, it was actually something that was a planned purchase, just sooner than I wanted. The sense of urgency headline advertisers use so often works or they wouldn’t use it.

Practice a little patience and you will discover that the same product has not disappeared from sight or increased in price and probably never will, but that headline may change ever so slightly once they have squeezed all they can out of it.

This writer pays attention to prices and a few products I have purchased have decreased in price. Had I waited a year, that weighted blanket I purchased would have cost me ten dollars less. Does this bother me? Not very much because I have been sleeping well for the past year!

Pay More Than Something Is Worth

Fear of Competition

Fear of losing out to the competition. Tactic sellers use. This is prevalent in the housing industry and automotive dealerships. Anyone who has gone to a car dealer in search of a new ride is aware of the hard sell. 

In the market for a new home? Beware of the realtor who uses the “better make an offer now, because someone already put in a bid.” tactic to get that fast sale.

Two major purchases that should never be rushed. Good advice: take your time, and think ahead. Plan well in advance and save yourself a hard lesson.

What Are You Missing Out On for Real?

What you really should be afraid of missing out on is something that costs nothing yet will last forever and is guaranteed. That something is salvation, my friend, to live forever when Jesus returns and it is available to everyone. 

Limited Time Offer

Salvation is indeed free and is guaranteed, yet there is only a limited amount of time you can claim this gift, and that is before Jesus returns or you take your last breath, whichever comes first. It is an urgent message because tomorrow is never promised to any of us.

The best insurance anyone can have of being among those who will be redeemed is to accept Christ today as your savior and seek Him daily to have the personal relationship with Him we all need.

Absolute assurance of your salvation begins with repenting (turning away) from a life of sin and praying for forgiveness from The Father in the name of Jesus. After that, give your life over to Him daily through prayer, seeking redemption, and the Holy Spirit to take over in your life. He will answer your prayers!

Christian Living is Living

Giving my life to Jesus gave me a new, happier life that I would never turn away from. This world could never give me what Jesus has done to change my future. For the first time in my whole life, I am truly happy.

I pray anyone reading this who seeks the truth will be touched by the Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

What are you missing out on when you leave the TV off to begin and end your day in prayer, to give more than one morning each week to the one who gave you His all? Nothing. You gain peace of mind and real security!

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