The New Normal-what’s next and where can we find the answers

The New Normal

Hi friends,

I hope today finds you healthy and relaxed as we settle into the new normal way of life. Is it just me or is this now what headlines are suggesting? I took a walk this past weekend as I normally do on a nice evening after supper. There is a lake walk and a park in our town, as I imagine there are in many other towns across the U.S. As you could see by the photo, the playground was empty and the lake walk was all but deserted too.

So, where do we see this new normal heading? How long is this invisible enemy going to dictate our movements and way of life? Can we trust what we hear from government officials or is there a sinister agenda. Tired of fake news? anyone can create a video and put it up on the internet, make it seem realistic, and watch how many people believe what they see. YouTube is one of the worst platforms to turn to if you are seeking the truth in matters of importance.

Fake News

Is there fake news out there? Yes, and fake news is fast becoming one of the new normals. Your local news will report whats it is fed and follows mainstream media. Mainstream media reports what government officials tell it. Government officials are reporting what organizations like W.H.O. and the CDC choose to reveal. There is a long chain… I would call it the grand grapevine of all grapevines and just where does it begin and end?

Where Can We Find The Answers

How can we know the real truth? For the most part, it is laid upon each of us to either trust in what we hear and read or do some deep fact-checking. Can we trust fact-checkers like Snopes? How do we know this venue is reliable…who checks them? Do you see where I am heading with this? If everyone thought this way how much more chaos would there be? Some people are so deep into conspiracy theories that no matter what they see or read it has to be fake and all part of a sinister agenda, yet they believe things that are just not possible no matter how you look at them. So, exactly where can we find the answers and really know the truth? This depends on what you want to know.

The Real Agenda

Do you remember “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa clause” This comes to mind for me thinking back to my own childhood and loving Christmas: Most children believe in Santa Clause. Why? Because they were told he existed. “If you’re not good, Santa won’t bring you any presents.” How many kids were “good” all year? How many kids still got presents regardless of this idle threat? Do we continue to push this belief on children, or do we abolish this lie of a tradition in order to speak the truth? Have you wondered where this tradition originated from? You can visit this site to learn more.

It is up to you to decide if the facts are true on that. One thing remains true though. There is no such person and yet even the news channels will track his progress on December 24th. All to deceive the children of the Earth. What is the real purpose? Some of you know the answer to this. You who don’t, keep reading…

The Great Deception

The greatest deception on Earth began shortly after its creation. If you don’t believe in creation that is fine. This means you don’t believe you have a purpose to begin with and will live until you die and that will be that, right? What a shame to go through life with this mindset. This is part of the great deception, the real agenda that was put into place a few thousand years ago when our ancestors were deceived into believing a lie that set everything into motion. It is a war that continues to this day and we have been the pawns on its chessboard. The only difference is one side already knows what the other is doing before it is done. This game of chess will end soon and whoever is on the winning side of the board has the greatest prize of all.: They get to live.

This is a true story…a real game that has a real ending. some parts can be found in the history books. The events found in our history books that had great significance were foretold way before they came to pass and one final event will take place very soon because it has been written from the very beginning. There is only one history book where you can find this information. Only one book has been correct in its predictions 100% of the time without fail.

If you could find a book and know the future, and be 100% certain that what it says will come true, would you want to know, or would you rather go through this short life oblivious and be content to run on the losing side of the board, as a mouse in the maze, seeking the piece of cheese but in the end, there is nothing but a trap leading nowhere. Once you reach the end of the maze there is no turning back…..

I think you have a good idea the name of this book… but in case you don’t, it is Bible. The holy, living Word of God. Pick one up today and discover the future…you will discover that for those on the winning side, the future is very bright indeed and we do not need to worry about tomorrow for it will take care of itself. God bless, and until next time, make each and every day count for something! Visit and discover more truth


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