GOD KNOWS MY HEART[ Will It Be Good Enough?

God Knows My Heart

How many of us have said this? Will it be good enough to get you into heaven?

Yes, God knows your heart, as He knows my heart as well. God knows ALL THINGS, and for ALL of us, this should be a frightening revelation, for all of us are sinners and deserve the penalty for our sin: Death.

Romans 6:23 states: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”


After living in the darkness of sin for the majority of my life, discovering this Gift of God not only saved me from an early death on this earth but gave me hope for a renewed life upon Jesus’ return.

That is the basis for this blog and its title Each Day Anew. Each day I have the opportunity to give thanks for another day to serve our creator. He first loved me, and waited for me! How can I not love Him and want to give my life to Him?

It is also the basis for a book that is now available which I titled GOD KNOWS MY HEART: Will It Be Good Enough To Get Me Into Heaven?

It contains the answers to questions I personally asked when I first gave my heart to the Lord. It contains my testimony and false doctrines that created stumbling blocks along the way. How to find Biblical truth on common topics that are misunderstood by so many professed Christians.

It is not a very long book, yet its message is clear, concise, and urgent for anyone who is truly seeking redemption from sin and the false doctrines of this world that seek to separate God from His children forever.


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Yes, God Knows Your Heart

But, how well do you know God? How well do you know Jesus, our savior, who died on the cross for YOU? Does having a good heart guarantee living forever with Him upon His return?

Learn how you can be assured of His gift and what He expects from His children. What we need to know as we prepare for His soon return. Tomorrow may be too late, as so many I fear have already been lost by dying before they gave their lives to Jesus.

Don’t be among that growing list of lost souls that Satan takes with him in the end!

Do all good people go to heaven, or is it possible to be lost, even though you have a good heart? I wondered about this as well and God opened my eyes to this and other questions.


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Discover the story of my salvation and the truth of the Bible. I will share my personal journey and what I have learned about faith and spirituality.

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