A Remnant

      A Remnant

Do you ever save the remnant left over from a yard of fabric? How about finding that remnant of carpeting for pennies on the dollar? Discovering a useable remnant is often exciting and well worth the search. Can you think of a different type of remnant that is often overlooked and even more valuable than pure spun gold?

      God’s Remnant Church Is Real

Did you watch the above video on this remnant church and its purpose today? It is exciting to know that God did protect a small portion of His church throughout the ages to carry on His plan of salvation, namely sharing the three Angels’ Messages found in the book of Revelation. His remnant church will have the testimony of Christ and follow the Ten Commandments. His church will also practice what they preach. This church will use the Bible and the Bible only as their source.

I hear a lot of folks saying that God’s church is not a building, it’s His people. while this is very true, where and how we worship is also important because where we gather can enormously impact our faith and how we view salvation.

Would you go to a chiropractor for a tooth filling? Sounds silly and yet there are so many sincere Christians who attend a church service and walk away feeling just as ill as when they walked in. 

    Tell Me What I Want To Hear

This is a topic that really needs to be addressed. Do we want to hear the truth or do we want to feel safe in our sins? This blog has covered the topic of sin, and you can read a refresher on → what is sin ←

I know that sin is the transgression of the law, yet some still believe that a “little” sin is okay, such as drinking in moderation, using tobacco products, medical marijuana, or “borrowing” an item or two from work- even stretching the truth in order to spare one’s feelings. 

Is a little sin okay? Society promotes sin, advertises it and deems sin to be normal. Anything else is peculiar, which

   What We Really Need To Hear

When a pastor does not admonish sin, it is then assumed to be acceptable and not a detriment to one’s salvation.

  1. All people of faith need to hear the message of the gospel and the plan of salvation that our creator put into place even before the fall of man in the garden of Eden. 
  2. All people of faith need to know what sin is and what is expected of Jesus’ disciples, as all who believe in and follow Christ are His disciples.
  3. All people of faith need to hear that it is not an easy road to follow Christ, yet the reward will exceed the sacrifices we must make in order to be redeemed.
  4. All need to hear that everyone stumbles along the way. Nobody is perfect, yet we must get back up, repent of our sin(s) and ask forgiveness daily.


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Do you believe that Jesus has one church? He does. It has the testimony of Christ, it follows His commandments, both in doctrine and in deeds, it shares the good news of the gospel. His true church has the Spirit of Prophecy which is anchored in His word and can be proofed by His word, as shown in scriptures. We are the body of Christ, yet we still need a place to gather as He did. There will always be a great controversy over denominations and doctrines.

Find a physical church that teaches God’s word, not what the world wants you to hear or what makes you feel warm and fuzzy. Attending church is not a salvation issue, but our Lord Jesus expects His body to gather together in worship and fellowship on a regular basis as He did.

Luke 4:16 reads: “And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read.”

As was His custom. What does this imply? It means that it was something that He did on a regular basis. May the Lord put upon your heart where to seek out His church as He did for me. Amen.



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