Is It The Holiday Blues Or Something More

Is It The Holiday Blues

Is it the holiday blues or something more? How can we tell if it’s just the holiday blues?

Do you become down and depressed right around Christmas time when the bank account is short and you realize that all year long you never set aside any extra money to buy those holiday gifts?

According to some research I conducted, retail shopping has decreased significantly, and we can attribute this to the current health scares we are facing. More than half of consumers have decided not to participate in retail shopping, opting for online spending instead. (Source: Accenture via cloudways)

In 2019, the average amount spent in the U.S. was $1,564. Source: eMarketer

Why do we wait until the end of the year on a specific day to give gifts to family friends?

Think about it. Are we not allowed to give someone a gift any time we choose? Speaking as somebody (who used to) follow along with these traditions, I can honestly say that when I give someone a gift on an ordinary day such as May 8th or September 2nd for no other reason than I thought they would appreciate the gift, it adds meaning to the gift and hopefully the person who receives it will appreciate it even more.

What Is S.A.D (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

If you tend to feel depressed, or more depressed as Winter approaches and the days become shorter you may have this disorder. Some people are affected year-round. Living in the Northern State of Minnesota, I need to take a vitamin D supplement

Light Therapy has proven beneficial for me as well. My mood has improved considerably and I find myself smiling more, having more energy, and just overall content. Amazing what light therapy can do! I Highly recommend these products to everyone. Get yours today by clicking one of my affiliate links, which are safe and cost you nothing yet will help support this site. Bless you, for your support!

Who Is Affected By S.A.D.?

  • Family history
  • Diagnosed with depression or bipolar disorder
  • Females are often more affected
  • Young adults are affected 

S.A.D is a recurring disorder, meaning it improves during the warmer months when days are longer and will return as the seasons change each year. Experimenting with light therapy is a simple and cost-effective way to help get over the blues.

Combat The Holiday Blues

  • Get enough sleep. We need 7-8 hours of sleep each night. This device will help monitor the quality of your sleep.
  • Eat healthy foods. Don’t let junk food take over, which can sap your energy and make depression worse!
  • Get moving! 30 minutes each day to boost metabolism and help you sleep.
  • Drink enough water. The body can mistake thirst for hunger. Plus, staying hydrated is great for the skin and combats wrinkles.
  • Laughing is great for the mood and immune system too. Go ahead, LOL!

If holiday gift-giving is an absolute must, why not think of gifts that come from the heart and not the pocketbook? Having a Christmas account at your bank is one way to save throughout the year. By making a goal to plan early you avoid the mad rush and can actually look forward to the holiday season instead of dreading it.

Simple Gift Ideas

  • Handmade craft items. Do you sew, knit, paint or enjoy pottery?
  • Baked goods. Some people don’t enjoy baking but appreciate those who do!
  • Coveted recipes? How about putting a simple recipe booklet together for the family?
  • Care packages containing everyday essentials are appreciated.

The holiday season shouldn’t put anyone in debt. One thing for sure is how society has made each holiday into an opportunity for commercialism instead of focusing on what is truly important: spending precious time with loved ones. That is the most valuable gift of all, isn’t it?




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