How To Lose Weight Effortlessly

My AHA! Moment 

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For years I have been wanting to learn how to lose weight effortlessly, and when the solution was finally discovered it was as if a light bulb went off and someone smacked me in the head at the same time!

How can this be so easy and I was so blind to see it all my adult life? The answer: How everyone around me was eating and the food I was raised on. I’m not saying that the bad choices in my adult life can be blamed on my parents or how others eat however, it does have an influence and didn’t show me how to lose weight effortlessly.

Most of my life was about eating what you want when you want. I heard very little about what was good for your health except that we should eat vegetables.

Do you have a turkey dinner each year for Thanksgiving? My family did. Why? Tradition. Pumpkin or apple pie, mashed potatoes, yams, stuffing…the works. Is that a bad thing? Not necessarily. does it promote weight loss? Not at all. It promotes self-indulgence, something that has become widely accepted, even promoted.

The Generation of Obesity

Please don’t think that I am “fat shaming” or accusing anyone of lacking willpower. I am merely pointing out a fact. In case nobody has noticed, the sizes considered “normal” these days are 14 and above. I was a size 5 and 100 lbs at one time in my life back in the 1980s and had gals telling me I was too fat! What??

I am not ashamed to reveal that I came close to 200 a few years ago and it has been a struggle to drop to 180, where I hit a plateau and remained for over 8 years no matter how far I walked, biked, or worked out in a gym. I was stuck and it was getting depressing.

I am in my late 50’s and well into menopause so was that my issue? I discovered it is not. It hasn’t helped but being post-menopausal is not completely to blame and it was a relief to know this. Another hurdle is not what anyone needs!

Lose weight Effortlessly by Eating Simple Meals

How to lose weight effortlessly by eating simple meals each day? Yes! Whole foods to be exact. Whole foods are the best-kept secret to weight loss that nobody pays attention to in this day and age of fast foods. Who uses their stove anymore for cooking? Plant-based cooking is the easiest!

photo of plant based meal planner for download
click photo to get your free copy now!










photo of guide to vegan
30 days to a healthier you!










I Lose Weight Effortlessly

Since beginning my new lifestyle of whole food plant-based eating, I am steadily losing one pound per week by eating simple meals that I prep ahead of time and omitting all processed foods including fast foods from popular chains which I honestly do not miss.

In fact, by getting off of the Standard American Diet (SAD) those cravings for salt and sugary snacks have vanished! I would eat a large bag of sour cream and onion potato chips in one sitting and still want something else. These products were created to make you want more. I say GOOD RIDDANCE!

I bought a new scale. Something that until recently was avoided like the plague.

photo of features of product
Keep track of your health










Image of a smart scale to measure health data
A must-have tool to track health data










This scale works with an app and is a wonderful tool for keeping track of not only weight but BMI, bone mass, water, muscle, and much more. I was surprised at the cost as well. VERY affordable!

When combining a smart scale with healthy eating and staying active, it makes the journey not only informative but enjoyable. I look forward to stepping on my scale and comparing data from previous weeks to see how muscle mass increases and the amount of hydration needed daily. Fat loss and body will change and this is motivating for me! 

In the following weeks and months I will be sharing recipes and photos of my progress, so I hope you will join my mailing list and join me on this journey to optimal health!

Stay blessed!



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