How Daily Stretching Reduces Joint and Back Pain

How Daily Stretching Reduces Joint and Back Pain

Do you have joint and back pain?

I am going to share with you how daily stretching reduces joint and back pain. Daily stretching is essential for our overall health and well-being. As we age, our muscles tend to constrict and we can wake up feeling stiff, am I right? 

This has been my issue for some time. I have worked hard all of my life and at the age of 55 took my aches and pains as a sign of getting older-that there is nothing I could do about waking up stiff and sore each day. I was wrong. There certainly is something we can do to ease the unavoidable (aging). * This post contains affiliate links to trusted sources. They allow this site to earn a tiny commission.

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How stretching helps joint and back pain   

Wake Up Feeling Refreshed

I was thinking that my fairly new mattress needed to be replaced because each morning it was becoming harder to get out of bed.

Can you relate to that statement? Stiffness doesn’t need to keep you from doing the things you love to do! The Hyperbolic Stretching program is very affordable and really does help me alleviate my back and hip pain. 

How Does Stretching Reduce joint and back pain?

Can you remember the good old days when touching your toes wasn’t a chore that required sound effects and bending your knees? I sure can! And I can now touch my toes with ease again, thanks to Hyperbolic Stretching. 

When we stretch daily we are lengthening and strengthening muscles and tendons. It can also help to reduce nerve pain. Stretching improves the range of motion, which will reduce overcompensating. (The overuse of one body part to protect a weaker one.)

Lingering chronic back pain? Daily stretching is your answer here as well. Stretching your hamstrings and lumbar spine has been shown to reduce chronic low back pain. I have degenerative arthritis of my spine and feel much better since beginning this program.

Seeking Drug-Free Pain Relief

Stretching has even reduced the amount of neck pain I have from arthritis and spurs that were recently discovered. It was these diagnoses that led me to search for an alternative treatment to OTC pain relievers or prescription medications. At my age, I am fortunate not to take any prescription medications and I aim to keep it that way as long as possible!

How Long Does It Take Each Day?

Just a few minutes each morning is all it takes to give your body a great start. I spend anywhere from 8-10 minutes each day stretching and let me tell you, it feels absolutely wonderful! A good stretch along with some deep breathing invigorates the whole body. I have more energy and each day feel less pain. Stretching is now part of my morning routine forever.

Devoting a few minutes each day is time well spent to keep as mobile as possible for as long as possible, am I correct?

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Get stretching and start enjoying life again! Thank you for visiting and please share my website. Bless you!


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