From Ignorance To Truth: What Keeps Us From God’s Word

 Hello Friends,


Who can say they were never afraid of learning something new? What prevents us from learning new things? What keeps us from God’s word? What makes people avoid learning about Jesus?

So Many Questions

These are the questions I ask and still seek answers to. Many of us are afraid or unsure if we are able to learn something new. I know people who never learned how to drive a car simply because they were too afraid to get behind the wheel. I taught a fifty-year-old how to read once I discovered he was illiterate. How did he manage all of those years not knowing how to read and the only thing he could write was his own name?

He was afraid of ridicule so he never sought help after he reached a certain age where everyone should know these things. Ridicule is one reason many never seek to learn about our creator and savior. Too many call themselves agnostics these days and will ridicule those who God is reaching out to. They feel His pull within themselves, yet are afraid to take that first step toward enlightenment because of others cynicism and mockery they witness.

Believing Is Not Good Enough

Still, others claim to believe in God yet never pick up His book to study the plan he has for this world. It is easy to say you believe, it is another to share that belief with others, which is exactly what Jesus wants us to do…to spread the good news of the gospel to others so that it will reach the entire earth, and then he can return as promised.

As I have made known before, I never knew the gospel or God until just four years ago now, and I wish it had been different, yet now that I am seeking God and studying His word, I want as many people as I can to know Him and read His book of salvation, which really is what the Bible is.

What Is The Bible?

It is the living word of God, detailing how He created the heavens, earth and everything in between. It is the story of creating mankind and the fall into sin and how Jesus came to earth as an example to us, to show us who God is and how to live according to his plan. He then died for us.

It is also where we learn of Lucifer and his own plan to destroy anyone who follows Christ, to claim as many souls as he can before Christ returns to destroy him for good. The Bible is not a book of fiction and time again has never been proved to be fiction. The events depicted in the Bible can be seen as real events by studying our own history books.


Ever since Satan was cast down from heaven, along with one-third of the angels he managed to turn against God, they have been very busy working to deceive the human race and apparently are quite successful, looking at the world today. The earth is in chaos. Just spend an hour away from your social media and other lines of distraction to see what is happening in the world today and it will become clear that evil abounds everywhere.

Signs of the times

What was once abhorred has become the “norm.” Morality is at an all-time low. Weather patterns and natural disasters are changing and increasing in intensity. All of these are signs that Jesus warned about, yet many ignore it because they continue to live in darkness.

In my town, there is a box that displays free magazines called Signs Of The Times. I help to keep this rack full, yet every time I go to change them up for current issues there are very few that have been taken. Why is this? A free publication and nobody even bothers to pick one up and look. That right there is a sign of the times.

Are you indifferent?

Indifference is what Satan loves about his world. Yes, he rules this world and loves the fact that there are so many indifferent souls to devour and keep away from God’s love and grace. Are you one of those souls, indifferent to what is going on around you, too busy to learn about why we are even on this planet to begin with?

Think about it. Then leave a comment. I would like to hear about how you feel.

More on this subject. Until next time, make each and every day count for something!


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