Who Is God?

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Who Is God?

Good question: Who is God? Is He a person or a spirit? The Bible teaches us to refer to Him as our heavenly father, yet He is also the creator of all things. It is clear that He is male. What does God look like? Does He really know everything? Today we will learn the Bible truth on who God is!

Is The Bible Real?

Don’t be afraid to ask this question. After all, the Bible is a book except the only difference between this book and any other is the Bible has the power to predict the future, and it has!

These are called prophecies and if we do a search on this topic, we will find that around 1,817 of these prophesies have come to pass, as on this search: http://www.kingjamesbibledictionary.com/Dictionary/prophecies

Over 300 prophecies were fulfilled when Jesus came to earth and died for mankind.

How Can We Know The Bible Is Real?

Here is a question: Did you study history in school? Did you question your teacher on any subject in your history book because you wondered if it really happened? If you did, how was your teacher able to show you that the incident was real?

If not, what made you feel that all of the incidents really happened? Perhaps your grandfather remembered world war one or the Civil war and told you stories about it. Most everyone has heard a story passed down through the generations.

This book is one that can be compared to a journal. The stories are real and the people are real!

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The Bible Is Full Of History and Prophesy

The Bible is inspired by God. It is the only book with the power to transform a person’s life. It was penned by 40 men, however, each word came from the creator of heaven and earth.

Who is God?

We Believe By Our Ancestors Accounts

Just as 1 John 5:9 & 10 says, the witness of God is greater than that of man. God cannot Lie! He gave an account of creation which was then passed down until it was finally written by His chosen prophets of the time.

Can you imagine what it must have been like for these prophets? Can you imagine what it was like to sit at Jesus’ feet and hear Him preach the gospel?

We Can Believe

Who is God? God is love and He wants each of us to enter the kingdom and live with Him forever. How do we do that? Believe, repent, confess and live a new life in Christ. To follow Jesus is to walk in newness of life and the first step is baptism.

The Bible changes lives. I am a living testimony to this fact. After spending 47 years of my life in the darkness of sin, God opened my eyes and my life became new. Need to quit smoking? Here is how I stopped for good! 

God has a plan for each of us, and it is being carried out right now. Soon the final prophecy in the book of revelation will be fulfilled when Jesus returns! Will you be ready to join us?

How Do You Know You Are Saved? Follow that article and decide for yourself if God will allow you into His kingdom. I don’t know about you but I am getting ready NOW because nobody knows the day or hour!

Until next time, make each and every day count for something!


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