I’m A New Christian and my spouse hates it

I’m A New Christian and my spouse hates it

“I’m a new Christian and my spouse hates it.” Are you in this position or know someone who is? Six years ago, I could relate to this statement and in some ways, my spouse still hates the new life I have chosen. 

In The Beginning

Choosing to follow Jesus wasn’t a decision that I discussed with my husband. Thinking back on it, I didn’t choose anything. It was The Holy Spirit who opened my eyes. Many other born-again Christians have the same experience. It is an awakening and a profound one. At least for me, it was.

Once the truth is revealed and God’s plan of salvation was made known, there really was no turning back to a life that is displeasing to Jesus. I can’t imagine going back to the life I led before. It was a slow, painful suicide that Lucifer so cunningly disguised as comfort and pleasing to his plan for me: to die unsaved and detached from God!


You may be faced with ridicule and mocking. I can remember my spouse scoffing at me when I announced my plan to join a weekly Bible study. “Go ahead…this phase will pass.” He assured me. (More like he was assuring himself.) A year later I had found a local church I felt compelled to visit. More scoffing: “Go ahead, waste your time and gas.”

When I began attending church each Saturday he would get angry and say “When are you going to learn there is no God and all they want is your money?” This would lead to an argument. Satan loves to create havoc and disharmony! One thing that we must remember is to shrug off the comments and realize where they’re coming from, to begin with. To give in to the goading!

Living Among Unbelief

If you are a new Christian and are dealing with opposition from your spouse, family, and friends it can be easy to give in to their demands and turn away from God. Don’t make that mistake simply because those around you are uncomfortable, and that is the only reason they oppose your decision to follow Jesus: It makes them uncomfortable!

Satan uses people to undermine God’s calling in any way he can. He hates it when a soul chooses God over him! Anyone who mocks a Christian is living in darkness. Those who live in darkness run from the light, just as a cockroach scurries away to hide, while the butterfly strives for the warmth of the sun.

Easing The Tension

A word of advice from someone who knows: Do not push your beliefs on anyone who is in opposition because it is a waste of time and will only lead to more mocking and disrespect. There is a better way to reach people, and that is through the Holy Spirit. What I mean by that is to pray for them. When we pray for others, we are giving the Holy spirit a reason for interceding where if left alone, we know the lost will never pray for themselves.

Fellowship Is Important

Spending time with other believers is vital. Not only will you feel welcomed into another family but you will gain access to teachings and studies that will strengthen your faith. Knowing that you are not alone is such a comfort when you are being attacked by the adversary. The closer we become to Christ the more opposition we may feel. It is through daily prayer that we receive protection from these assaults. The Word of God is powerful and darkness flees from it!

Being A Christian Is Worth It

When I learned what salvation is and what Jesus did for my salvation (and yours) I began to imagine living forever in God’s paradise where there is no more sickness, pain, or death. What a wonderful future we have as Christians! It is so worth every small sacrifice we make here in this polluted world in order to reap the rewards that wait for us when Jesus returns, and that is going to be very soon.

My life has become easier now that my spouse has accepted my new life and no longer feels threatened by it. Also, my prayers for him are beginning to take hold. He is changing a little each day and I can see the Holy Spirit at work. It is amazing!

Why be a Christian? Why not? There are only two choices: Life or death. I choose life, and what a wonderful life it has become when Jesus is control. It is never too late to become a child of God unless you die before you give your life over to him. If you are a new Christian, welcome to the family! You are never alone and there is so much waiting for you!





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