Build A Successful Blog: What The Pros Never Tell You

Build A Successful Blog

Hi friends,

Today I am going to share what I have learned about blogging. Not how to set up a blog, but what you need to know to build a  successful blog and how to blog for profit. I will divulge areas involved in building a blog that the pros purposely leave out of their how-to books and the reasons they do this. In short, today you will get the skinny on the blogging community and finally learn everything you need to know on starting a blog and building a successful blog that can become for you what I am striving for myself:  long term security.

The Skinny On Blogging

Being a good writer certainly helps when you decide to start a blog, yet this should not be a reason to avoid blogging either. Do you get excited about a product you bought and tell your friends how great it is? Then you can be a blogger! This is a very small part of the grand community of blogging though. sharing your voice is just the beginning of building a blog. It is by no means a way to get rich quick. If this is your goal then I hate to burst your bubble. There are some bloggers who manage to get lucky and hit on a hot topic that takes them to instant fame. For the rest of us, it is hard to reach that pinnacle.

What The Pros Never Tell You

I have been in and out of blogging for a while now, and this is my last blog. That is, this blog is the one I am going to keep working at, to grow an audience, and gain my readers’ trust. I only give honest reviews and this is one big review on the many books and so-called blogging universities I have bought and reviewed. I will tell you this: the books all have the same information that I already know. The secrets to their success are never found in the books! Please don’t waste your time or money on them as I have unless you are a complete newbie to blogging and need to know the basics. If that is the case, I will be more than happy to answer questions to help you get started.

Where Their success Comes From

What the pros never tell you in their books is reserved for their courses they want you to sign up for. This is where their success stems from my friends. And even then they still leave out the most important information that I have discovered on my own through good old fashioned research. You need to know how to run the control room of your site in order to see results and build a successful blog.

Once Your Blog Is Published

Pat yourself on the back if you have published your blog. That’s a big first step. I use and recommend BlueHost along with WordPress. They are a wonderful combination that is easy to use and won’t break your bank! Next, the pros will tell you that you need content, and lots of it. This is true when building a blog, but this is not all you need to do. Good content and plenty of it is a good start. Getting people to read that content is what matters in building a successful blog and I am going to tell you all about it!

Search Engine Optimization

Yes, search engine optimization or SEO is very important. Knowing what keywords people search with and placing these keywords into your blog is a major part of how you get organic traffic. Keep this in mind when building a blog. If you wonder what tags are, this is found on the right side of my page as I am writing in my blog and contain the keywords I think people will use to find the information they are searching for. Hopefully, it will take them to where you are now. Blogging is fun! And once you learn how to properly run your site from the back room, you will be building a blog that can be a form of residual income later. It is a reality! You can blog for profit and fun once all of the needed elements are in place. Read more on SEO

Site Maps

Once you have your blog published and are adding content on a fairly regular basis, you need to add your site to the search engines so it can be crawled. This is important because when people are searching for information, services, or products they will be able to find your site if they aren’t going directly to your domain address. Here is a link to learn more about site maps: Adding site maps to search engines

When a search engine crawls your blog or website it is indexed according to relevant keywords or phrases. If your site map hasn’t been submitted it is like being invisible. We don’t want that! So, by combining SEO and submitting your URL to as many search engines as there are, you will be building a blog that in time, will be seen higher up in the ranks on the search pages. Make sense? It will!


Another important element in building a blog is formatting. When adding your content, always use a larger heading before beginning a paragraph. This also helps the crawlers with indexing, etc and most people are skimmers. They will scroll down and stop at a point of interest. Do you find yourself skimming websites? Did you skim through this one first to see if it was worth reading? If you want to be a blogger, think you will enjoy blogging, have a desire to blog for profit, and need help building a successful blog without being led into buying a book or joining a course for hundreds of dollars, email with any questions. I have a lot more to share on building a blog. For FREE.
Until next time, make each and every day count for something!

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