

Hello friends,

On this last day of March 2020, I decided to reflect upon what the stay at home order means to me as a homecare worker. I am sure this will pertain to many others in this situation as well who are considered to be essential in their field.

Catch 22

Although I am fortunate to still have a job I am also conflicted because I see so many healthcare workers becoming ill and losing the battle. I have more than one person to care for and they are all vulnerable to this virus. Do I worry about them? yes, I do. More so than my own welfare, because we all know that we can feel fine and have no symptoms and still spread the coronavirus to others. I have an essential job to perform yet still worry about my own health as well.

Knowledge Is Power

The more we know about Corona/Covid19 the better equipped we are to avoid contracting and spreading it. The #stayhome order is one of the wisest, as is the 6ft social distancing recommendation. I personally prefer a 10 ft distance at this time and avoid speaking directly at a person, because we know this is one way to share the virus. It is not airborne yet in close proximity it is, so yea, stay ten feet away from, please. Hand washing is a no-brainer. I could use my hands to plane a door and this is normal in my field. No touching the face. Daily mantra…..

Why We Have Elbows- And Toes

Elbows are perfect for punching elevator buttons and opening certain doors without a round handle. I am very adept at using mine to turn water faucets on and off too! Have any of you taking advantage of the toe hitch in public restrooms for door opening, and the handicapped button? Even after this crisis is over I will continue to use these.


Being cautious without letting fear take over is a challenge these days and I can really understand how OCD can kick in. After all, we are fighting against an unseen enemy and one that is virtually everywhere. I take into context that there are germs and bacteria everywhere and always have been. Most of us have strong immune systems and for the most part, live our lives oblivious to these things. I rarely become ill and feel blessed.

Building Immunity

They say that approximately 80% of the population will be exposed to coronavirus at some point and I believe prevention begins with a strong immune system. I do not have any prescriptions to take. I use natural supplements daily and have for years. (I will be 53 this year) I cook mainly with whole foods, avoid fast food and boxed process foods from shelves or the freezer section. I do not use a microwave oven and if you are curious why, read about it here


Sunshine is our friend in more ways than one. It has benefits to our bodies and it’s not just vitamin D. It has antiseptic qualities, did you know that? It boosts the immune system and helps regulate melatonin. Here is a website to read more on the benefits of sunshine

Mental Health

We are allowed to go outside and get that much-needed sun and fresh air. It is easy to practice social distancing if you crave a walk or need to do a little shopping for essential items. We need to have a semblance of freedom during these times to take care of our mental health as well as our physical health.

The sun is shining brightly where I am today, so after my morning workout, I plan to sit on my deck for a spell and soak up some of that sun before I go to work this afternoon. It is close to 50 degrees here in Northern Minnesota..a heatwave!

In short, let’s be cautious and sensible. Let’s be considerate and kind. We really are in this together and we will get through this together!

Until next time, make each and every day count for something!

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