Living On A Budget and why I use Apps that pay cashback

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This is a beautiful frosty morning here in Minnesota and I nearly grabbed my camera to take a drive. Since my energy level argued with me I decided to add content to my growing blog instead.

Today’s topic is all about saving money and why I use apps that pay cashback. We all like the concept, correct? I personally am all for saving money whenever possible and believe it or not there are some good apps that give you a return when you use them. When living on a budget, a little does add up.

Remembering to use these apps that pay cashback is the only way they will work. When I first loaded my first money-saving app on my phone I missed out on some good cash back the first month. I was so used to going into amazon first since I am a prime member and do quite a bit of online shopping there. Then I realized that by going through Rakuten first I could get additional cashback. Sweet!

To sign up with Rakuten and make some quick cash just for doing so click this link: Rakuten I use this app quite often now, and here are just some of the stores on there: DG, Walmart, Amazon of course, zulily, Petco, Vitacost, dresslily, Net10, Groupon, Kohls and many, many more. Plus, you will be delighted to see DOUBLE cashback stores as well…sweeter!

Using store-specific apps that pay cashback is worth it as well. For instance, I love to crochet and visit Joanne fabrics for my yarn. I receive emails with coupons to scan at the checkout and boy do I save some money there.

Once you get into the habit of using these cashback apps it becomes second nature and you will be saving and earning at the same time. It is worth it and if you are like me, living on a budget, life becomes easier.

I do NOT have a cable bill or even satellite television either. I believe in saving money when living on a budget and here’s how I watch premium stations for a fraction of the cost: In my area, we have century link internet. I signed up for price for life and pay $45/mo for the internet and own a couple of Roku boxes. I have Philo tv which has fifty channels such as discovery, hallmark, AMC, tv land and more popular channels for only $21/mo. We watch local stations on our roof antenna. This is all we need.

I love Philo tv because I can save shows to watch later on the built-in DVR. For those of you who have a dish with this, you won’t miss the dish bill and still be able to save your shows! Click through to Philo tv now to try it and get $5.00 off your first month!

Roku has many channels within itself so there is never a shortage of programming. Why pay hundreds of dollars for channels you never watch? I have seen people complaining about CenturyLink yet I have never had any issues with my service and streaming speed with 2 televisions, laptop, tablet, and smartphone hooked up.

I still clip traditional coupons as well and try to find worthwhile bulk deals according to our needs. If I know something I need will be on sale, (I know my local stores) I will wait if possible. I often buy store brand products or generic as well, as these are most often just as good in quality as the name brand. One thing I do not cut corners on is my dish soap. It is Dawn all the way; even when living on a budget.

I make my own laundry soap and find it actually cleans better. Sure, it takes a little time but to me, it is worth it. Perhaps I will save that recipe for another topic on making your own cleaning supplies.

Until next time, make each and every day count for something! Please subscribe. I adore subscribers…it motivates me! Thank you so much for visiting today and I hope you found this post useful!


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