Dark Forces Do Exist

Good day readers

I felt it is important to discuss what is happening in the world today and why these things are occuring. First of all, I would like you to think about what the world was like ten years ago…twenty years ago…farther back if you are old enough. Think about society and how much it has changed. Think about weather patterns and how they have changed. Think on everything and then continue reading.

How was life before the internet? Before cell phones? Video games? It was a simpler time, wasn’t it? Some would say it was harder. Some of us who grew up before the age of technology remember a peaceful time and have yet to embrace the world wide web and smart phones. My husband will occasionally use the laptop and owns a cell phone but for the most part wants little to do with either.

The newspaper was the main source of what was happening in the world and the phone books were very thick. If your car broke down you waited on the side of the road for a good samaritan or walked to someones home who had a telephone. Unless there was a payphone nearby. In some ways life was more difficult. You wouldn’t be reading this right now if not for the internet, yet in other ways the internet has been used for unethical ways and to introduce innocent children to pornography and worse.

Yes, there are good and bad in everything, yet these days there appears to be more of the latter, doesn’t there. These days when I see a hitch hiker I keep driving unless I know the person. How about you? Each time I turn on the news and see another mass shooting I can’t help but wonder not if, but when it will happen in my town. News coverage of these incidents seems to spark inspiration in the mind of another.

As a follower of Christ and one who studies the word of God, my eyes have been opened to many things of this world. Prophecies have been unfolding and the source of darkness has been revealed from the very beginning of our creation. Those who doubt that God exists and claim the Bible to be written by mere men will ask this one question: Why is there evil then, if there is a God who is so good?

To learn more about whether the Bible can be trusted, I suggest you click HERE

God did not create evil. In the beginning, as it states in the book of Genesis, all God created was good. After each day he spoke into existence each thing, He saw that it was good. It wasn’t until one of his beloved angels named Lucifer decided to rebel against his creator, desiring the love and adoration for himself that evil was created. God made all creatures, including his angels with free will, to choose for themselves. Lucifer managed to harden the hearts of one third of the angels.

So when iniquity was found within Lucifer and his deceptions among the angels, they were cast down to earth where they remain today. This can be found in Ezekiel 28: 15 “Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou was created, till iniquity was found in thee” It goes on to say how Lucifer became vain because of his own beauty in verse 17. He was a covering cherub and was with highest honors among the angels, yet it was not good enough for him. He desired the throne of God and all of its glory.

Satan began his great deception on earth in the garden of Eden when he beguiled Eve into eating of the forbidden tree. She then gave the fruit to Adam and their eyes were opened and knew good from evil. They hid from God, knowing they had defied God. They were created to live forever in the glorious garden, yet on the day they ate of the fruit they began to die and were forbidden to eat from the tree of life, banished from the garden forever.

Satan and his fallen angels have been roaming the earth, wreaking havoc from the beginning and take great delight in turning people away from God and his promise of everlasting life upon his return. They want to destroy as many souls ( we are living souls) as they can before their time runs out, and it is going by very fast. In prophecy a day equals a year. Time may seem slow to us but for them it is speeding by.

Take a look around and you will see. Pick up a Bible or visit amazingfacts.org where Bible truth is simplified. Everywhere we turn Satan’s work can be seen. Never has there been so much confusion and hatred in the world. We are expected to accept many things that are clearly described as abominations in God’s word.

Read about Sodom And Gomorrah in the book of Genesis 19:1-29 and see how the world today resembles how it was back then before God destroyed them.

How about spiritualism and the supernatural, hauntings and ghost hunters? This has grown exponentially over the past few years. I will admit to believing in such things UNTIL I learned the truth just a few short years ago. I have a few scriptures to share that show the state of the dead. When a person dies they do not go to heaven or hell. They sleep until Jesus returns.

There is one scripture that many argue proves that we go directly to heaven. It is: to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. 2 Corinthians 5:8. It is true in the sense that when one dies the next conscious thought will be awakening at the resurrection when Jesus returns. It will seem instintaneous yet it could be years. Those who are still alive on The Lords Day will be transfigured in a twinkling of an eye and receive glorified bodies.

Read the following scriptures: Deuteronomy 18, Job 14:21, John 3:13, Psalm 113, Ecclesiastes 9:5, John 5:28 and 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11 just to name a few.

Satan is very busy creating as many distractions as possible to keep us from learning the truth and reading God’s word. why does Satan want to destroy us? Because God loves us and wants us to live forever with him. Satan will never have that opportunity and has vowed to do battle with the woman ( God’s church) and destroy all that he can before he himself is destroyed forever.

I will be writing more on this subject. Until next time, make each and every day count for something!

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the world Matthew 5:1-12


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