Coronavirus-Stuck At Home-ways to stay busy and healthy to avoid boredom

Hi friends! This is March 19, 2020

I hope you are all doing well amid the madness that has taken over this past couple of weeks, and I would like to hear what everyone thinks about this coronavirus pandemic that is encroaching upon us so rapidly, so please leave a comment below, won’t you?

  Self Isolating?

If you are among those who are self-isolating or have been told to shelter in place, how are you combating the boredom that can creep in? I live in Northern Minnesota and work as a home care specialist. As of today, there have been no confirmed cases in my area, yet supplies have been flying off of the shelves in our local stores. I personally have not taken part in this panic buying for two reasons. 1. I cannot afford to stock up on items financially. 2. I take all necessary precautions to protect myself and those around me to the best of my ability by frequent hand washing and wearing disposable gloves while performing my duties at work.

  Social Distancing

Social distancing is a very good idea, even if there are no confirmed cases nearby because as we have become aware, one may not exhibit symptoms and still be infected and pass it on to others. In my opinion, this is the best way to help prevent spreading the coronavirus.

   How to combat boredom

Having a daily routine set in place can help combat boredom. This in itself is a distraction from what is going on in the world because you are focused on daily tasks at hand. don’t deviate from your schedule if possible. Keep exercising at your regular times. Just do it at home instead of traveling to the gym, which is probably closed.

  Getting organized Can Be Fun

Use this time of being at home to clean some closets, organize your cupboards, go through those clothes you have stored away. No better time for spring cleaning than now. Get that refrigerator cleaned out. Go through those spices and toss out the old ones that expired ten years ago.

   Do some redecorating

Redecorating? Yes! You can redecorate a room easily without spending a dime. Rearrange some furniture, change up the walls with different accents. Create a new look for a lamp with fabric or paint. Get the kids involved. I bet they have some great ideas to re-do their rooms too!

 Learn New Arts and crafts

Always wanted to learn a craft? There are tons of how-to videos on youtube. The possibilities are endless. If/when the time comes that I will be forced to stay at home, and I hope that doesn’t happen, I have a lampshade I’ve been meaning to decoupage but just haven’t had the time to do it. Hmmm. One of these days.

  Try New Recipes To Spice Things up!

You have the time now, learn some of those gourmet recipes you never had the opportunity to try. Get your older kids to help out…you may have a chef in the house! It can be fun to create your own pizzas and sauces, experiment with different herbs and spices. You will be surprised to learn how much more flavorful a dish can be when you add some fennel, tarragon, rosemary…so many to choose from!

 Learning at home Is Important For Kids

Keep your kids busy with an online learning program. I have shared one before and here it is again:

learn at home here:

Your kids will stay in the loop and even excel in their school studies with this award-winning program that offers so much to do they won’t be bored for long! In fact, I’m sure that you will be exploring this kid-safe website right along with them! Trips to the zoo, a farm, interactives, songs and puzzles…the list goes on.

spend some time away from the never-ending barrage of news that fills the airways and find your anxieties begin to lift. Coronavirus will pass. How we spend our time avoiding it can create new traditions and fond memories to share for years to come. It all depends on how we approach it.

Let’s be positive, caring and hopeful in these times we face. Let’s make the best of it and watch the time fly by. Before we know it, life as usual will return and who knows, we may find ourselves longing for those quiet moments spent on things we never had or took the time to enjoy before this crisis began. Maybe this is a nudge from above to remind us to slow down and take stock of our lives…discover what is really important.

until next time, make each and every day count for something!

stay healthy out there and thank you for your visit!


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