Beware Of Benzene: A serious health risk

Beware Of Benzene

 Attention! The benzene health risk was recently brought to our attention. Referred to as an organic chemical compound, benzene has been showing up in a wide range of products that consumers use on a daily basis.

What is The benzene Health Risk

The American Cancer Society attributed benzene to blood cancer Leukemia and is found in both industrial and community environments. This chemical is colorless and flammable. It also has a sweet odor and will evaporate rather quickly. Most concerning is how many consumer products contain this chemical.

Among these products are:

  • Sunscreens have been recalled. Johnson and Johnson, Aveeno, and Neutrogena are three.
  • Dry shampoos. Check here for a list.
  • Deodorants
  • Hand sanitizers
  • Hair sprays that use an aerosol propellant probably contain benzene

Benzene In Our Food Supply?

Unfortunately, yes. It has been discovered that benzene may occur in food processing such as smoking and roasting. A very good source of information to read on this subject and other food preservatives can be found by visiting

A Good Reason To Avoid Processed Foods

How is your diet? What kinds of foods are you feeding your family? Society has become all about fast food and the microwave has taken over as the cook! Does your dinner consist of boiling water and opening a box and packet of seasonings? How about the freezer to the microwave?

Beware of Deceiving Labels

Too often we as consumers are fooled into thinking this “food” is healthy simply because it says so on the label. If we want to make a real healthy choice we need to get back to cooking with whole foods! Dust off those pots and pans, roll up your sleeves, dawn that apron, and hit the kitchen! *This post does contain affiliate links that cost you nothing to click to purchase these trusted products

Back To Basics: Whole Foods!


                               whole foods for health

Whole Foods For Health

Whole foods have only one ingredient so there is no room for poisonous chemicals! Whole foods are delicious and oh so nutritious! And the possibilities are endless when you add herbs and spices fresh from your own garden. The smell of fresh-picked rosemary or thyme is wonderful. Combine this with a simple food dehydrator and you can be assured of an endless supply of savory herbs and spices year around.

Even better is a plant-based diet

Studies have shown that a plant-based diet is the optimum for good health and longevity. After all, when our ancestors were first created they lived in a garden and had the perfect diet.

Eat Healthy To Be Healthy

The only way to good health is by eating a healthy diet rich in fruits, nuts, and vegetables. Did you know that we can get all of the protein we need from plants? But, if you must have meat in your diet, consider the leanest source possible, being freshwater fish with fins and scales, chicken, or turkey.

Why fins and scales? These are the fish that are deemed the safest to consume according to our divine health handbook. In fact, if you are inclined to learn more about the types of foods we were created to eat, the list in its entirety can be found in the book of Leviticus

Some people do not believe in the Bible or what is written in it, yet its health directive has never been refuted because it is true! For example, once I learned that seafood is very unhealthy for you I stopped eating it. Why? Because clams, shrimp, lobster, oysters and all other bottom feeders are indeed the filtration system of the earth’s water supply.

It is quite disgusting when you think about it. And as this filtration system is fished out of the oceans and seas (to be consumed by humans) they become more contaminated.

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